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Saturday, May 25, 2024


 Going through the archive I realized that this year marks the 10-year anniversary of Vik's All Purpose Blog (if we're going to be pedantic, it turned ten on May 5th, so that's when this post should have been made. Still, better late than never and besides, I doubt anyone noticed but me).

You may think I'm being presumptuous and silly, but I can't help but feel a modicum of pride knowing that I've kept this blog going for this blog for a decade (even if I feel I don't update as often as I perhaps ought to). I realize that, as far as accomplishments go, it's not terrible impressive. Still, it's better than nothing.

Anyway, I'd like to thank anyone who has ever read what I've written. Whether you stopped by once, came to the conclusion that I was a fucking moron and left vowing to never return, or are a recurring visitor (some of you must exist), you have my gratitude for giving my writings your time and attention.

Thank you.

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