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Monday, May 27, 2024

Chapter 85

 The Sudden tapping on her shoulder caused Risha's fur to stand on end. Cursing herself for not paying more attention, she turned around and was relieved to find that the person who had surprised her was none other than Merees.

"Damn it, Mer" Risha hissed. "You nearly scared the crap out of me."

Merees was about to apologize, when she noticed that Risha was gesturing for her to both get down and be quiet. She obeyed both instructions.

Just then, the two of them could hear the sound of a chair being pulled out and someone rising from it. The Lynx and the dragon both looked at each other and then, quickly crept around the corner of the building. They had barely done so, when the door opened and Grahm stepped outside. The Weasel looked in each direction, shrugged and went back inside.

"I'm sorry, hon" Merees said, once she and Risha had made enough distance between themselves and the pavilion. "I guess I ruined your eaves-dropping."

"It's fine" Risha said. "I think I had heard enough."

Merees gave Risha a searching look. 

"The People you were spying on" she said, rubbing her chin.  "They wouldn't happen to be countrymen of ours, would they?"

"I'm afraid so and they know that you're here."

"I see. I suppose my presence being discovered was inevitable. Although, I would have preferred if it had happened later rather than sooner. What else do they know?"

"Nothing" Risha said. "That's it."

She proceeded to tell Merees about her encounter with Alys, as well as what she had learnt from her snooping. As she did this, a thought came to her. It was the kind of thought that furrowed the lynx's brow and made her bite down on her lower lip.

"Something wrong, Risha?" Merees asked with concern.

"It's the Vinolians. What if they  make an attempt on your life while we're  here?"

Having made sure that there were no prying eyes about, Merees touched Risha's lips with her own.

"Don't worry" she said. "I am still their Princess, after all. I doubt that they will act against me on their own volition. Of course," she continued after a brief pause. "Most likely the Ambassador has sent word to Argath that I'm here and are awaiting her response."

"Then we have to make sure he does not get it". As she uttered this simple statement of fact, Risha traded the expression of worry she had worn, for one of determination.


Jeraddin was in the garden, practicing his swordsmanship on a training dummy, when he became increasingly aware that he was being observed.

"Yes, Flora?" He asked, without stopping what he was doing. "What is it?"

Flora was glad that her employer still had his back to her, so that he could not see her blushing. The Hedgehog had spent a minute drinking in the sight of Jeraddin's broad shoulders and chest, both of which were on full display. Her eyes had also wandered downwards, past the lynx's belly button, as she fantasized about the part of his anatomy that remained concealed by clothing; imagining its length, its girth and how it would feel in her paws, in her..."

With supreme effort, Flora banished these thoughts to deep recesses of her mind, to be plucked out and mulled over when she was alone.

"There's a message for you, Sir" she said, stepping onto the lawn. "Bearing the Royal seal."

Jeraddin lowered his blade and took the letter his housekeeper handed to him. 

"Flora" he said, having skimmed over the contents of the letter.  "Be so kind as to fetch me some water and a towel  and take out a new pair of clothes. Thank you."


Jeraddin had barely set foot inside the palace when he realized that something was happening. In the hallways, people from all rungs on the social ladder huddled together in small groups and talked in hushed tones to each other. The General was about to ask what was going on, when his ears and those of everyone else, were assaulted by a woman screaming. 

Ah, he thought to himself. So, that's what's happening.

Knowing what he now knew, Jeraddin was not surprised when he was shown into Argath's study and found that it was occupied, not by the Queen herself, but her right-paw. 

Lorenzo was standing with his back to Jeraddin, in front of a fireplace. To Jeraddin's surprise, there was a fire lit and the fox was busy feeding it with papers which he took from a stack lying on a nearby desk. 

Intrigued, Jeraddin took a quick glance at one of the papers. A name written on it caught his attention: Cornelius.

Quickly, the lynx snatched up the paper and hid it on his person. He then cleared his throat. The Sound caused Lorenzo to turn around.

For a moment, he stared at Jeraddin with his solitary eye, then his face was split by a grin.

"Ah, General Jerradin" he said. "Good of you to arrive so promptly."

"What do you want, Lorenzo?" Jeraddin asked, not returning the smile.

The Fox raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, General, it's not what I want. I am but the Queen's servant, as are you. "

"Well, then, what does Argath want?"

"Simple, she wants you to go to Frigonia."

"Frigonia? What for?"

"Apparently,  a band of outlaws have been attacking convoys, liberating prisoners and stirring up anti-Vinolian sentiment in the province.."

Jeraddin crossed his arms.

"Can't the Governor handle this himself?" He asked scornfully.

"Apparently not" Lorenzo smirked. "He writes that, since you did technically conquer Frigonia, your presence should work both as a moral boost for our soldiers there and as a deterrent for these rebels. At any rate, the Queen seem to agree, so of you go."

"I understand and I take it that I'm not to return that this...uprising have been crushed?"

"You understand correctly. Good luck, General. Don't let me detain you."

Having left the study, Jeraddin went in search for his wife. While looking for her, he came across Faljan, who was pacing nervously back and forth. For a moment, Jeraddin considered congratulating the Royal Consort on his imminent fatherhood, but decided against it and simply greeted him with a respectful bow.

Poor fellow, he thought,having taken his leave of the fennec. He must know that his life hangs on a thread.

Saturday, May 25, 2024


 Going through the archive I realized that this year marks the 10-year anniversary of Vik's All Purpose Blog (if we're going to be pedantic, it turned ten on May 5th, so that's when this post should have been made. Still, better late than never and besides, I doubt anyone noticed but me).

You may think I'm being presumptuous and silly, but I can't help but feel a modicum of pride knowing that I've kept this blog going for this blog for a decade (even if I feel I don't update as often as I perhaps ought to). I realize that, as far as accomplishments go, it's not terrible impressive. Still, it's better than nothing.

Anyway, I'd like to thank anyone who has ever read what I've written. Whether you stopped by once, came to the conclusion that I was a fucking moron and left vowing to never return, or are a recurring visitor (some of you must exist), you have my gratitude for giving my writings your time and attention.

Thank you.