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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Chapter 63

 It was a chilly night, unusually so, considering the time of the year. It was not the kind of night fit for being outside, crouching behind a fountain in a park, with your fingers wrapped around the hilt of your short-sword. And yet, that was exactly what Risha was doing at the moment. 

Not that she was alone; spread out in the park, concealed by shadows or hiding in the trees were Kyros and the rest of her colleagues. Downwards from the lynx's position, on the gravel-path, which at daytime was trampled by hundreds of feet, stood Fuchul, the red panda who was the group's newest client.  

Fuchul was to meet someone here. Someone he, according to what little he had told the group, had had dealings with before, but did not trust completely. That was why they were all out here, lying in wait. Ready to strike at any sign of treachery. 

In the distance, the park-gate could be heard opening. It was followed by another sound, that of footsteps drawing closer. Soon another figure stepped into the moonlight, one whose appearance Fuchul had not expected, something made blatantly clear by the look of surprise on his face.

He was not the only one; from her hiding place, Risha stared at the newcomer as though she could not believe her eyes. 

Can't be, she thought and immediately afterwards: But it is."

"Who are you?" Fuchul asked. "Where's Zevedo?"

"Gone" the newcomer said, in the voice that Risha had heard in some of her more pleasant dreams. "You'll have to deal with me from now on."

"Is that so?" Fuchul replied. "Well,  let me tell you something, whoever you are: Two days ago, I recieved a message. Do you know what it said? 'They are all dead', that's what! So neither you nor anyone else have anything on me anymore."

He gave the newcomer a triumphant look, only to realize that her attention was focused on something, or someone, behind him.

What are they doing? He thought. They were only supposed to come out if I gave the signal. 

He turned around and saw the female member of the group he had hired stand there, fully visible, staring at the newcomer. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but judging from the smile on her face, they were tears of happiness.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked sharply. Once again, however, he found himself completely ignored, as the  lynx ran past him and into the waiting arms of the newcomer.  Then, he watched, stunned, as the two women; the lynx and the dragon, both embraced. What happened next, however, was even more of a surprise: 

The Lynx's expression suddenly changed, her face became a mask of pain and confusion. Then, the dragon took a step back and the lynx began to fall forward, her paw clutching her chest.

Why? That was all Risha could think, as Merees sank her claws deep into her and pulled them out. 

Through a haze, she saw the love of her life look at her hand, which was stained with her blood and for a moment, she thought there was something strange about it. The Next moment, the pain became too much. She was dimly aware of someone catching her and heard the voice of Kyros, crying out for something to stop the bleeding with. 

Then, everything turned dark.


Dawn had at last arrived, when the capybara who had been one of the physicians on duty that night, stepped into the small waiting room. As soon as he did, he had the full attention of those who had been waiting there, for several hours.

Among those present was an adolescent black cat, who looked even more worried than the others. Having been informed that the young feline was the patient's brother, the doctor thought it no small wonder that he would be particularly anxious.

Sitting next to the cat was a female porcupine, about the same age as him, holding his paw in hers. The Others were a diverse group of people, the doctor recognized some of them as belonging to the travelling acting-troupe that was currently performing in one of the city's theaters. 

Well, no use in keeping them in suspense.

The Doctor cleared his throat and turned to Leorin, speaking to him directly:

"I have good news" he said. "Your sister is going to live."

The Feeling of relief that filled the room was almost physical. Sara hugged Leorin who responded in kind and turned to the doctor:

"May I see her?" He asked.

"You may,  but she won't be able to talk to you; she's sleeping."

"I don't care, I want to see her anyway" Leorin said and got off of his chair. 

Sara did the same thing.

"I'll come with you", she said.

"She's in the third room to the left" the doctor informed them. 

Once the two youths were gone, the doctor sat down, cleaned his glasses and, having done this, leaned forward, with his paws clasped together.

"Which one of you brought the patient in?" He asked.

"I did" Kyros replied. "Well, me and my crew."

"You had sprinkled some healing dust on the wound" the doctor said, the tone of his voice making it clear that this was not a question.

"Yes, fortunately, one of us had some available. Not the most potent stuff though, which is why we brought her here."

"Fortunately indeed. Its my professional opinion that, without it, the patient would have succumbed to her injuries before you had reached the hospital."


Leorin and Sara stood by the sick-bed and looked down at the sleeping figure in it. Were it not for the faint sound of her breathing and the rise and fall of her bandaged chest, Leorin, in spite of the doctor's assurance, would have thought that his sister had already departed from the land of the living.

"She looks so peaceful" Sara remarked. "Poor Risha" she sighed, shaking her head. "I can't believe this would happen to her."

"Me neither. Why would Merees do something like this? It doesn't make any sense."

He turned away from the bed, his paws shaking. For a moment, Leorin remembered Isso and how he had once claimed that dragons were incapable of truly loving someone. Maybe, just, maybe he had been right? 

The Thought had barely entered Leorin's mind before he felt ashamed at having even entertained such a notion and yet. what other explanation could there be for the Princess' behavior?

"Wasn't her..."

Despite recognizing the voice, it took a few seconds before Leorin's brain had fully registered who it belonged to. Turning around, he saw that Risha had opened her eyes and were looking at him and Sara. 

"It wasn't her" the lynx repeated, somewhat louder this time. "It wasn't Merees."

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