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Friday, November 1, 2019

Chapter 45

"What do you think they are talking about?" Miranda asked as she sprinkled a generous amount of cinnamon on her porridge.

"Whatever it is, nothing good will come from it" Nasari replied, blowing on her coffee. "Mark my words."

After the stranger had revealed his identity, the Queen had ordered anyone else to leave the room. Nasari had done so only to willingly, glad of finally being away from Argath's presence and for the chance to finally grab something to eat. Now, she and Miranda were seated at a small corner table in the servants' dining hall, around them were several other members of the palace staff were chatting and filling their bellies.

"You're probably right" Miranda said and swallowed a spoonful of porridge. "Still, I must admit that I'm curious.."

Not too long afterwards, Miranda would found her curiosity satisfied, though the greater details of what was said during the meeting between these two heads of state, would always remain a mystery to her. That is not the case for us, though. Let us therefore leave the buzz of the dining hall and return to the Queen's chambers, where the apparent King of Guanaca was telling his story to his Royal colleague:

His name was Faljan and he was the only son of King Shuluf, who had passed away recently, reuniting with his Queen who had gone before him. Prince Faljan had quickly been crowned, but the Royal insignia had barely been placed into his paws, before a coup broke out, led by his cousin Bashar, or, as King Faljan called him: The most Despicable Scoundrel whose feet ever defiled the ground on which they trod.

Fortunately, for the young king, there were still those who were loyal to him. With their help, he had managed to leave Guanaca.

"I have spent several years in hiding, trying to rally men to my cause. Unfortunately, it seemed hopeless. Then, just as I was about to resign myself to a life in exile, I began to hear tales that one country had recently begun to expand its territories and had proved quite successful at doing so. That country was Vinoli."

Argath had listened to the King's tale in silence, while the wheels in her head turned. Now, she decided to speak up:

"There is no need for you to tell Us the rest of your story, King Faljan" she said. "You have come here to ask Our help to reclaim your kingdom."

"That is indeed so" the fennec replied, nodding eagerly. "You are very perceptive, O Queen."

"We know the importance of maintaining a friendly relationship with Guanaca. However, We would like to point out that it does not necessarily have to be with you."

King Faljan grew pale, he suddenly felt as if the temperature in the room had dropped significantly.

"Y-Your Majesty" he said. "You can't..."

The Corner of Argath's mouth curved upwards. She stood up in her full length, towering over her guest.

"What should We care who sits on the throne of Guanaca, as long as said person is not a threat to Our ambitions? What do We have to gain from risking the lives of Our soldiers on your behalf?"

Faljan listened to the Queen's words, beads of sweat breaking out on his brow. Visions of him being handed over to his cousin and what would inevitably follow, appeared before him. Then, they vanished, like a flame that had been blown out, as the fennec realized that he had an ace up his sleeve. He had hoped that he would not have to play it, but these were desperate times.

"Your Majesty" he said and now, his voice was firm and calm. "Why settle for mere friendship with a nation when you can have the nation itself?"

Leaving his chair, the exiled King got down on his knees.

"Let our two Kingdoms become one" he said, taking Argath's hands and bringing it to his lips. "United by the bonds of marriage."

It was not the words uttered by the man kneeling before her that caused Argath's heart to skip a beat, but rather what they entailed: All travelers coming from the east had to pass through Guanaca sooner or later, meaning that its treasury was always well-filled.

Once, when she was still only a Princess, the Queen had visited the desert kingdom on a diplomatic mission and seen its wealth with her first-hand. With all those riches at her disposal, what could she not accomplish?
None of Argath's excitement could be read on her face though, which was an impassive mask. Had there been any professional gamblers in the room, they would have nodded appreciatively.

Argath cleared her throat:

"Your proposition is most intriguing" she said, affecting a nonchalant tone. "We...I would be willing to accept it. However" she continued, holding up one hand, just as Faljan was about to speak. "I have
to insist on certain conditions."

The Relief felt by the young King at that moment was written all over his features. Already he saw himself back on his rightful throne, with his enemies cowering before him.

"Whatever your conditions, I agree to them" he said and lowered his head in deference. "Your Majesty.

As Argath thought of the future and all that would soon be hers, a smile of genuine happiness came upon her countenance. She reached out and pulled her impromptu suitor to his feet.

"I think we can dispense with the titles, don't you?" She said in a gracious voice. "After all, there is no need for such formality, between two who shall soon be wife and husband."

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