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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Chapter 84

 The Queen-Mother looked with interest at the person who was kneeling in front of her.

"You may rise" she said. "Welcome Genaria, Princess."

"Thank you, Your Majesty" said Merees.

As she got to her feet, the dragon looked up at the Queen-Mother. In her features, she recognized, though faintly, her own mother. Dead long since.

"Call me Isadora" the Queen-Mother replied in a friendly voice. "And I shall call you Merees. No need for formality between relatives, don't you agree?"

"Absoutely, Your...Isadora."

"I must admit, when I woke up this morning, a visit from the daughter of my great-great-aunt and the King of Vinoli was the last thing I expected. Speaking of which, though they come late, allow me to express my condoleances for the death of your father."

Once again, Merees thanked her relative and the Queen-Mother, deciding that it was time to get down to business, asked the Princess for the purpose of her visit.

"Though I'm glad to see you, I doubt you came all this way for a mere social call" she added. "Did Argath send you?"

Merees shook her head.

"No, although she is the reason why I'm here."

One of Isadora's eyebrows moved upward, she gestured for her guest to continue.

Merees inhaled. This was it, the time had come for her to lay her cards on the table.

"Forgive me if this sounds impertinent cousin" she began, "but were you aware that Argath planned on breaking the international treaty concerning Guanaca?"

"No"replied Isadora with emphasis. "When I learned that she had actually wed herself to King Faljan, I was about to send for the Vinolian ambassador and demand an explanation. Before I could, the ambassador himself showed up and requested an audience.

"And what did he say?"

"He was quite distraught. He assured me that he had not had any knowledge of what his Queen was planning, either." 

Isadora paused and let out a sigh.

"Frankly, Merees, I was completely  taken aback. To break a centuries old treaty? I might have expected it from a male, but from one of the few female rulers, beside myself? Even now, part of me still find it hard to believe that your sister would do such a thing."

"Half-sister. Sadly, I can not say that I share your surprise, Isadora. I'm afraid that Argath is capable of much worse"

And so, Merees proceeded to reveal the truth concerning the old King's death. How she had failed to prevent it and, how she, together with a pair of true and loyal friends had fled Vinoli, so as not to meet the same fate as her father.

"I do not ask that you believe my story" the Princess said, when she had finished. "I have no proof to offer that it is true. All I can offer, is my word of honor. As a Princess and as your kinswoman.

"Moreover" she went on. "You may wonder how this concerns you? Isn't her takeover of Guanaca proof that Argath is not content with merely ruling over her own nation? And, with the Desert Kingdom under her control, she will only grow stro...."

Before Merees could finish her sentence, the Queen Mother raised her right paw, indicating that she would speak and that the time had come for her visitor to be silent.

A bit later, Merees left the throne room, with Isadora's words repeating themselves in her ears:

"What you say make a sense. However, I am no dictator, who can declare war on another country as it pleases me. I must convey a meeting with my Council. You will be informed of our decision within the next few days. Until then, you and whoever travels with you, are my guests. And now, I must bid you farewell, dear Merees. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

I suppose all I can do now is wait, Merees thought. Time to reunite with Risha. Hopefully, waiting for me hasn't been too boring for her.


Merees did not need to concern herself; bored was the last thing that Risha was. 

Having discreetly followed Alys and Grahm to the Eastern Pavillon, she now crouched outside one of its windows. Though the window was shut, the lynx's fine hearing allowed her to hear what was being said on the other side of it, as though she had been in the room itself.

"I hereby declare this emergency meeting open" said a voice that Risha did not recognize, but realized must belong to her country's Ambassador. "Elro, tell the others what you told me."

"Yes, Your Excellency" an oily voice replied. "I was passing through the corridor outside the throne room, when who should I spot, but none other than our beloved Queen's sister, Princess Merees.."

"Who, fortunately, did not see you"interrupted the Ambassador. "Thank you, Elro, you may sit down."

There was the sound of a chair being pulled out. Then, the Ambassador continued:

"Princess Merees disappeared following the death of the old King. No-one has heard anything of her since then. Until today, that is.

We do not know for what purpose the Princess has come to Genaria and why she has sought an audience with the Queen Mother, but it is something we must find out and soon. Yes, Alys?"

"Just before this meeting I ran into General Jeraddin's daughter. I doubt its a coincidence that she and the Princess are both here at the same time."

"Interesting, and you're acquainted with the lady in question?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, we were at school together. If she is involved in whatever the Princess is plotting, than I'm sure I can lure it out of her."

That's what you think, Risha thought.

Just then, she heard a voice behind her:

"Hey! What are you doing there?!"

Friday, March 8, 2024

Akira Toriyama (1955-2024)

 To my surprise (and sadness), I just learned that manga legend Akira Toriyama passed away earlier this month.

I don't think I've ever mentioned it on this blog before, but I used to be an avid reader of the Dragon Ball manga when I was younger. Every month, I used to go down to the local bookstore, or drugstore and see if the latest volume had come in and if it had? Well, needless to say, my day was made. 

I need not tell you of Dragon Ball's legacy. Its one of the most popular and influential comics to come out of Japan. What I will mention though, is its impact on the publishing of manga here in Sweden. 

Sure, manga and anime had been available in one form or another. before Dragon Ball. But, it was when Carlsen Comics decided to bring the adventures of Son Goku and his friends to the Swedish public, that the floodgates truly opened. I don't think its an exaggeration to say that Dragon Ball helped make manga and anime mainstream over here, in a way that it hadn't been before. 

Eventually, my interested in Dragon Ball began to fade (as a sidenote, I personally consider that Dragon Ball was at its best during its early years, when Goku was a kid/teenager and the comic was a comedic martial-arts/fantasy epic, influenced by Journey to the West), and today, there are plenty of other manga that I prefer over it. That said, I will always look back on it with fondness.

Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama and thank you.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Dune: Part II

 This Thursday, my Mom and I went to the cinema together and watched the second part of Denis Villeneuve's Dune adaptation. Here are my brief (largely spoiler-free) thoughts on it.

As an adaption, Dune: Part II, is not completely accurate to its source material (though that was, perhaps, to be expected). Among other things, it reduces one fairly prominent character to a cameo and drops another completely. The Movie also diverges from the book in some significant ways, particularly in its depiction of Paul's and Chani's relationship. As a result, the film also ends on a different note from the novel.

Would the purist in me have preferred it if the film had stuck closer to its source material? Yes. Did I enjoy the film in spite of these liberties? Absolutely. 

Though I personally believe that the ideal format for a Dune adaptation would be an animated series, Villeneuve's films are the best adaptation of this classic work of science fiction that I can think of. 

Like its predecessor, Dune II looks great (this is a movie that demands to be watched in theaters) and, taken as a whole, the duology does capture the epic scope of Frank Herbert's novel. Acting is uniformly good and the only character who feels significantly different from their literary counterpart is Chani.

One quick final note: Part II does nothing to make sure that the viewer is up to speed. If its been awhile since you've seen part I, I recommend that you either re-watch it, read the novel (or, if you already have, re-read it). Alternatively, if you are feeling lazy, you can just look up a synopsis online.