Hubert Selby Jr. was an American author most famous for his debut novel, Last Exit to Brooklyn. The Demon was his third novel and the first one of his that I've read. It took me a few pages before my brain had adjusted itself to Selby's writing style (he replaces apostrophes with the / when he doesn't and never uses quotation marks. Although to be fair, he's not the first author I've read who does away with the latter, Cormac McCarthy is another). Once I'd gotten used to Selby's quirks, though, I found The Demon hard to put down.
One thing that The Demon particularly excels at lies in its portrayal of its main character; Selby has a real knack for getting under the skin and into the mind of his protagonist, allowing the reader to understand and even empathize with Harry, even if they do not approve of his actions. Selby actually reminds me a bit of Dostoevsky in that regard.
The Demon is a compelling, harrowing look into a man's gradual fall into deeper and deeper depravity and the toll it takes on both himself and his loved ones. Its a great read, one that stayed with me long after I finished it and that I will surely re-visit in the future. I will also be sure to check out the rest of Selby's work in the future. If all his books are of similar quality, than he's an author worth getting further acquainted with.
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