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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Ending of the End

By the time of this post, the series finale to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has already been out for quite some time and perhaps you're wondering why I haven't written about it sooner? The Reason is simple; other things have demanded my attention, that includes other series, whose siren-song had a stronger hold on me than that of the horse-show's. Still, better late than never.  Now, for the purpose of this post, I've decided to focus on what I consider to be my favorite and least favorite aspect of this finale, starting with the latter.

Spoiler-warning, in case you, like me, are late to the party and haven't watched these episodes yet.

My least favorite part of the series finale was easily the whole reveal that Grogar was just Discord the entire time. I will say this, I did not see this coming. Its highly possibly that I missed or misread some really obvious foreshadowing, but I did not expect it all, so I guess the writers deserve some credit for managing to surprise me. However, just because something is a surprise does not mean that you have to like it. Say that you are walking down the street and a random stranger comes up to you and kicks you in the shins. That too would be quite a surprise, wouldn't it?

I'm sure that there are people out there who liked this twist and they're entitled to their opinion. Personally though, I would've preferred it if the show had actually given us the real Grogar and had him be the final threat for the heroes to face.

See, throughout this season I honestly thought that Grogar was aware that the other villains were plotting against him and had taken precautions against it. Or, alternatively, that Grogar didn't care about the betrayal, because trying to use his own bell against him would only serve to make him stronger, meaning that Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow had been played into his hands (well, hoofs) all along.

That's not what we got though. Instead of having the real Grogar be one step ahead of his associates, the show gave us a Discord who is so confident that he has the other villains cowed that it comes as a complete surprise to him when they end up stabbing him in the back and stripping him of all his powers. Than again, I suppose I can't be too hard on Discord, its not like this sort of thing has ever happened to him before.
Oh, wait.

Speaking of which, why even send the evil trio after the real bell in the first place? Why not just create a replica of it? Maybe Discord did not expect for them to actually retrieve the bell, much less learn how to use it, but why take that chance?

Look, I get that in order for the real villains to be an actual threat and for the finale to have real stakes, Discord's whole scheme needs to blow up in his face. However, I can't say that this makes me look more favorably on the twist in question.

Enough negativity, let's move on to what I consider the high-light of these final episodes: Namely, the Magic of Friendship Grows, a truly touching song that sums up FiM's central theme and served as a great note to end the series on.

So, now that it has reached its conclusion, what are my thoughts on the show as a whole?
It does not happen often, but I'm always pleasantly surprised when I find a work of entertainment that exceeds my expectations and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is, in my mind, the perfect example of this (at least as far as TV-shows are concerned).

I went into this show with what can best be described as grudging curiosity, figuring that I'd watch the original two-parter to see what all the fuzz was about and although I can't say I was immediately vowed by the series premiere, it did keep my interest and by the end of it, it had awoken in me an interest in seeing more of the world presented by this show and the characters that inhabited it.

So I continued to watch and as I delved deeper into the show, the more I found myself enjoying it. There was even a time when I ranked it among my favorite animated series. In later years, my enthusiasm began to cool down, though never to the point where I completely lost interest in the show, as was the case with some other cartoons from this decade that I used to be into.

Although, Friendship is Magic may not count among my favorite animated shows these days, it is a show that I will always retain a great deal of fondness for and I can certainly see myself returning to my favorite episodes every now and then, just as I sometimes return to favorite episodes of Batman: The Animated Series (to name one example).

For now though, the time has come for me to bid Equestria and its denizens a fond farewell. Last but not least, I would like to offer my gratitude to Lauren Faust and to all the voice-actors, animators, story-boarders, song-writers, etc, who made this show possible over the years. You managed to make me, a grown man, invested in a show that chronicled the daily lives of a group of cute, talking horses and that, in my opinion, is something that deserves  respect.

Thank you.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Final Space Season Two

Recently, the second season of Final Space was made available on Netflix and having watched it, I thought I'd write a few words about it.

I won't go into any great details about the plot for this season, so as not to spoil it for those of you have not yet seen it. I shall just content myself with mentioning that this season revolves around (anti-) hero Gary Goodspeed and his crew of misfits quest to find six dimensional keys needed to free the titan Bolo and open a path to final space, in order to free Gary's love-interest Quin, who was trapped there, following the events of the first season.

Ideally speaking, the second season of a show should be an improvement over the one that came before it and I am pleased to say that season 2 of Final Space succeeds in that regard, those aspects of the first season that I liked are still present, whereas the things I cared less about have been either fixed or toned down considerably.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the way Final Space's second season handles its main character. In my original review of the show, I stated that I didn't care much for Gary, so I was pleasantly surprised that I found him to be greatly improved as a character this time around, with Season two succeeding him into making him a protagonist that I found myself rooting for in a way that the first season did not.

I will also say that, while I maintain my opinion that Final Space is at its best during its more serious moments, I found myself liking the comedic moments more this time around. Not every joke lands (the "marking the territory" scene early in the season went on for way longer than it needed) but, generally speaking, I thought they landed more often than in season one.

Season two further expands Final Space's universe adding new characters, most of which I enjoyed.. Of special note among the newcomers, in my opinion, is Cheryl Goodspeed; Gary's estranged mother, who serves as one of this season's primary antagonists. By any standards, Cheryl is a terrible person, not that that prevented me from appreciating her as a character. Her presence in the show also helps giving us more insight into her son and making him into a more sympathetic character.

Any negatives? Well, one could perhaps make the argument that, at times, the overarching story of season two feels less focused than that of season one, although, in my opinion, the interaction between the cast and Gary's character development compensate for it somewhat. In addition, certain plot-developments could perhaps have benefited from being developed more. Oh, and personally, I could have done with more Lord Commander.

That said, I ultimately found Final Space season two is a worthwhile continuation to the adventures of Gary, Mooncake and the others, one that definitely left me looking forward to season 3.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chapter 46

The Moon had risen over the desert and the city of Guanaca, capital of the desert-kingdom that also bore its name. 
In his bedchamber, King Bashar was pacing back and forth. Despite the late hour, sleep was furthest from the King's mind, his thoughts being occupied by the reports he had received of the invading army that was drawing ever closer.

"Bah!" The Fennec muttered to himself. "I need to take my mind off of things, if only for a little while and I know just the person who will help me with that."

He walked up to the a cord that was hanging near the bed and tugged at it. Shortly thereafter, a servant entered the room, bowing respectfully.

"Tell Layla to come here" Bashar commanded.

Bowing once again, the servant left and soon returned, accompanied by the person he had been told to bring.

The Person called Layla had first come into Bashar service five years ago, two years before he claimed the throne which had previously been occupied by his undeserving person. Layla was not her original name, but one that Bashar had chosen for her, for in Guanaca it was the owner of the slave who decided what their property should be called.

Bashar remembered their first meeting; he had walked in circles around his new gift, inspecting her unclad frame. When he had reached out and touched her breast, he received a gob of spit in her face, followed by a few choice curse words. Bashar had calmly wiped the spit from his cheeks and turning to his guest had thanked him for the thoughtful gift.

Unfortunately for Bashar, it seemed like it would take a long time before he could put his new property to use; Layla showed no inclination towards accepting her proper place as a tool of pleasure for her new master and no disciplinary actions, whether it was beatings or leaving her without food and water for a few days, seemed to have any effect.

Eventually, Bashar's patience began to wear thin and he began seriously contemplate whether he should sell his gift, or simply put her to the sword.

Then one day, she was gone. Somehow, she had managed to escape. Bashar sent his household out to find her. They searched the town, but could not manage to find her and was forced to conclude that she had escaped out in the desert. Two days later a band of travelers knocked on the door to what was then Bashar's residence and told that they had found a woman lying unconscious on one of the dunes.

According to the travelers, they had approached the woman to see if she was still alive and if so, if they could do anything for her (in truth, they were more interested in whatever valuables she may have carried) and, upon doing so, they had noticed a mark on her shoulder.

"One of us recognized the mark as that of your family, Your Excellency", one of the travelers had said with a sycophantic smile. "Thus we decided to restore her to you, her rightful owner. Hmm, perhaps Your Excellency in your generosity would see it fit to give your humble servants some form of reward?"

Bashar had been so elated at having had Layla restored to him  that he had bestowed upon the travelers a purse filled of coins and had even invited them to share his meal. Before that though he had ordered a servant to fetch a doctor.
Layla spent the following week in bed, gradually regaining her strength. The First two days she slipped in and out of consciousness. At one point, the slave-woman Bashar had ordered to attend to her needs until she got better had heard her whisper a single word:


One positive thing had come out of Layla's escape and near-death experience; the desert sun had apparently burned away the obstinate part of her personality, as Bashar had witnessed himself, upon having summoned the fully recovered Layla to his room.

He had ordered to take off her clothing and this time, she had done so without protest. Feeling the blood rush to his cock, he had ordered her to touch it. After a moment's hesitation, she had done so, the sense of victory Bashar had felt in that moment had been almost too much to handle. Still, he had managed it. That night, the King had taken his now conquered slave for the first time. Afterwards, he had fallen asleep, completely satisfied and deaf to the sound of her tears.

Since then, almost no night had passed that Bashar did not summon Layla to his side. She did everything he requested of her and the King rewarded her by giving her a room of her own, closer to his own quarters.

This night, however, the unthinkable happened: Even the caresses of his most prized possession, failed to bring Bashar any pleasure.

"Enough!" He growled, pushing her aside.

Layla looked at him with surprise.

"Is something the matter, my King?" She asked. "Have I done anything to displease you."

Bashar shook his head.

"Its not you, its that army heading here."

"An army, my King? Where from?"

"From Vinoli" Bashar muttered. He walked over to a table where a carafe of wine stood. He drank from the carafe directly, not bothering with the two goblets  next to it.

"My damn cousin has resurfaced." Bashar continued, wiping his mouth with the back of his paw. "He has made a pact with Vinoli..."

The King went silent. Was it only his imagination or had there been a strange gleam in Layla's eyes just then? No, it must have been his imagination playing tricks with him. Either that, or the wine was to blame."

"...To restore him to the throne" he continued, his voice growing more and more agitated. "Can you imagine what will happen to Guanaca if that happens? We will end up becoming a puppet-state to Vinoli and that unnatural woman who rules it, only being allowed to ask 'How High?' when told to jump!"

With this, Bashar slammed his fist into the table with such force that the goblets jumped. Layla watched him with a neutral expression on her face.

Feeling a bit calmer, the King turned to his favorite.

"You may leave, I shall not require your services tonight."

"Would Your Majesty like me to send for somebody else?" Layla asked.

The King shook his head.

"What woman in my harem could possibly succeed where you have failed? Go, I say."

 Layla bowed and left the king's quarters. She did not return to her own room though, but instead  headed to the harem, where her fellow slave-girls were fast asleep. Treading carefully, the female lynx walked up to a large cushion, upon which an antelope was sleeping soundly.

A touch to her shoulder caused the antelope to stir and then open her eyes.

"Risha" the antelope said with a yawn,  when she saw who stood before her. "What are you doing here? Does the King require my presence?"

"No, Miriam", Layla replied, using the antelope's real name, just as she had used hers. This being a sign of trust between the two of them. "Help me to wake the others, I have something important to tell you."

Friday, November 1, 2019

Chapter 45

"What do you think they are talking about?" Miranda asked as she sprinkled a generous amount of cinnamon on her porridge.

"Whatever it is, nothing good will come from it" Nasari replied, blowing on her coffee. "Mark my words."

After the stranger had revealed his identity, the Queen had ordered anyone else to leave the room. Nasari had done so only to willingly, glad of finally being away from Argath's presence and for the chance to finally grab something to eat. Now, she and Miranda were seated at a small corner table in the servants' dining hall, around them were several other members of the palace staff were chatting and filling their bellies.

"You're probably right" Miranda said and swallowed a spoonful of porridge. "Still, I must admit that I'm curious.."

Not too long afterwards, Miranda would found her curiosity satisfied, though the greater details of what was said during the meeting between these two heads of state, would always remain a mystery to her. That is not the case for us, though. Let us therefore leave the buzz of the dining hall and return to the Queen's chambers, where the apparent King of Guanaca was telling his story to his Royal colleague:

His name was Faljan and he was the only son of King Shuluf, who had passed away recently, reuniting with his Queen who had gone before him. Prince Faljan had quickly been crowned, but the Royal insignia had barely been placed into his paws, before a coup broke out, led by his cousin Bashar, or, as King Faljan called him: The most Despicable Scoundrel whose feet ever defiled the ground on which they trod.

Fortunately, for the young king, there were still those who were loyal to him. With their help, he had managed to leave Guanaca.

"I have spent several years in hiding, trying to rally men to my cause. Unfortunately, it seemed hopeless. Then, just as I was about to resign myself to a life in exile, I began to hear tales that one country had recently begun to expand its territories and had proved quite successful at doing so. That country was Vinoli."

Argath had listened to the King's tale in silence, while the wheels in her head turned. Now, she decided to speak up:

"There is no need for you to tell Us the rest of your story, King Faljan" she said. "You have come here to ask Our help to reclaim your kingdom."

"That is indeed so" the fennec replied, nodding eagerly. "You are very perceptive, O Queen."

"We know the importance of maintaining a friendly relationship with Guanaca. However, We would like to point out that it does not necessarily have to be with you."

King Faljan grew pale, he suddenly felt as if the temperature in the room had dropped significantly.

"Y-Your Majesty" he said. "You can't..."

The Corner of Argath's mouth curved upwards. She stood up in her full length, towering over her guest.

"What should We care who sits on the throne of Guanaca, as long as said person is not a threat to Our ambitions? What do We have to gain from risking the lives of Our soldiers on your behalf?"

Faljan listened to the Queen's words, beads of sweat breaking out on his brow. Visions of him being handed over to his cousin and what would inevitably follow, appeared before him. Then, they vanished, like a flame that had been blown out, as the fennec realized that he had an ace up his sleeve. He had hoped that he would not have to play it, but these were desperate times.

"Your Majesty" he said and now, his voice was firm and calm. "Why settle for mere friendship with a nation when you can have the nation itself?"

Leaving his chair, the exiled King got down on his knees.

"Let our two Kingdoms become one" he said, taking Argath's hands and bringing it to his lips. "United by the bonds of marriage."

It was not the words uttered by the man kneeling before her that caused Argath's heart to skip a beat, but rather what they entailed: All travelers coming from the east had to pass through Guanaca sooner or later, meaning that its treasury was always well-filled.

Once, when she was still only a Princess, the Queen had visited the desert kingdom on a diplomatic mission and seen its wealth with her first-hand. With all those riches at her disposal, what could she not accomplish?
None of Argath's excitement could be read on her face though, which was an impassive mask. Had there been any professional gamblers in the room, they would have nodded appreciatively.

Argath cleared her throat:

"Your proposition is most intriguing" she said, affecting a nonchalant tone. "We...I would be willing to accept it. However" she continued, holding up one hand, just as Faljan was about to speak. "I have
to insist on certain conditions."

The Relief felt by the young King at that moment was written all over his features. Already he saw himself back on his rightful throne, with his enemies cowering before him.

"Whatever your conditions, I agree to them" he said and lowered his head in deference. "Your Majesty.

As Argath thought of the future and all that would soon be hers, a smile of genuine happiness came upon her countenance. She reached out and pulled her impromptu suitor to his feet.

"I think we can dispense with the titles, don't you?" She said in a gracious voice. "After all, there is no need for such formality, between two who shall soon be wife and husband."

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chapter 44

Nasari opened her eyes and looked around the tiny, sparsely furnished room that had been her home for the past five years. Five years, had it really been that long since the old King's death? Five years that she had lived in this palace, this prison; forced to bow to the person that was responsible for the King's death, as well as other tragedies. More importantly, it had been five years since she was separated from her children. By now, Leorin, her little kitten had reached his adolescent years and Risha? Why she was a fully grown woman by now, no doubt turning heads wherever she went.
Closing her eyes, Nasari tried to conjure up an image of her children, not as they had looked when she last saw them, but as she imagined that they looked now.

My darling children, Nasari thought. Will I ever see you again?

As the tears began to roll down her eyes, Nasari longed for someone to comfort her, but who? She was all alone in the room; Miranda having spent yet another night in the dragon's lair. What about Jeraddin? Sadly, while her husband was frequently summoned to the palace, the last time Nasari had been able to spend any time alone with him had been during the feast celebrating the victory over and subjugation of Frigonia. A feast that Nasari, being the wife of the guest of honor, had been allowed to attend.

She could still remember that day vividly: After he had managed to get away from his horde of admirers, she and Jeraddin had wandered through the palace-garden, reminiscing about happier times. Eventually, they had ended up making love, in this very room. An act which had culminated with Nasari whispering something in Jeraddin's ear.

"You are sure?" He had asked, surprise in his voice. "Last time I wanted to try it, you refused."

"That was ten years ago, dear" Nasari had replied. "This time, I am willing."

She positioned herself on all four, tail raised.

"Just promise me that you'll be gentle."

"Of course" Jeraddin assured her. "When have I ever not been?"

Despite Jeraddin going in as gently as he could, the pain, at first had been almost unbearable. Nasari recalled how her claws had dug into the pillow and a sound, the off-spring of a scream and a moan had erupted from her throat as her husband took her the way one man takes another.

Gradually, however, the pain had subsided and was replaced with feelings of pleasure, as was always the case when she felt her beloved lynx inside her.
Afterwards, the two of them had cuddled and Nasari had fallen asleep with her head resting on her husband's broad chest.

Nasari's reminiscing awoke deep-seated desires in her.She reached down between her legs with her right paw, while its sister massaged her breast. She was on the verge of climax, when there was a knock on the door and a female voice cried out from the other side:

"Nasari, the Queen just woke up. She wants you to bring her her breakfast."

It was with great reluctance that Nasari got out of bed.


The Sound of singing combined with splashing water reached Nasari's ears as she entered the Royal apartments. Apparently, the Queen was in her bath, was Miranda with her? Shaking of that unpleasant thought, Nasari put the silver-tray with the Queen's breakfast down on a nearby table. As an act of rebellion, she spat into a jug containing cream. A small act to be sure, but nonetheless it brought Nasari some satisfaction.

Enjoy your breakfast, Your Majesty, she thought with a bitter smile on her face.

"Good morning" a voice chirped behind her.

Nasari, who had not been prepared, almost jumped out of her skin.

"Damn it Miranda!" She swore, her heart pounding. "You really gave me a start. Don't go sneak up on people like that!"

"Sorry" Miranda apologized. "So, did you sleep well?"

"Well enough, I suppose" Nasari replied, her shoulders moving up towards her whiskers. "You?"

"What little sleep I got" Miranda yawned. "Tonight, Her Nibs was quite insa..."

"Spare me" Nasari interrupted brusquely. "I really don't want to know."

"Someone's being a real grumpy cat this morning" Miranda remarked teasingly poking Nasari's cheek with her index finger. "Cheer up, maybe this evening, the Queen will chose someone else to share her bed and then, I'll be all yours."

"She hasn't for the past five evenings" Nasari sulked, crossing her arms and glaring at the bathroom door.

"Well, you should know the Queen's ways by now: Every once in a while, she only wants to eat one particular type of food. Don't worry, it won't be long before she starts craving some variety in her diet."

"I suppose..."

"Besides" Miranda continued, wrapping her arms around Nasari's waist. "Being with the Queen is just one of my duties. Being with you is a pleasure."

Nasari could feel her cheeks heat up. She reached down and caressed Miranda's butt. The Two of them were just about to kiss, when they heard the sound of the Queen getting out of the bath.

Quick as lightning, the raccoon and the cat pulled away from each other and stood with their paws crossed demurely over their knees and their eyes aimed at the carpet.
The Door to the bathroom opened and Vinoli's monarch appeared, wearing a dark-blue bathrobe.

A chorus of "Good Morning Your Majesty" greeted Argath as she made her way across the floor. The Queen did not return the greeting in words, but gave a small nod to show that she acknowledged it. She then sat down by the table, the chair groaning slightly under her weight.

Shifting slightly in her seat, Argath motioned to Nasari that she could uncover the plates lined up on the table. Nasari did and as the aroma from the dishes filled her nostrils, she became acutely aware that she had not had breakfast yet and would not have until the Queen had finished hers. Not that Nasari would even consider begging Argath for a morsel. No, she'd rather go hungry.

Her tongue sweeping across her lips, the Queen began to dig into her breakfast, washing it down with mugs of hot tea, which Miranda stood by ready to refill at a moment's notice. Having finished the final dumpling, Argath was just about to pour cream over a plate of strawberries when there was a knock on the door.
The Queen put the jug down and stared at the door in surprise. Then, she nodded to Nasari to open it.

"What is it, Chamberlain?" She asked, addressing the figure bowing to her in the doorway. "You know that We do not appreciate being disturbed during Our meals."

"A thousand apologies, Your Majesty" said the chamberlain while wiping his brow with a lace handkerchief. "There's a foreigner here who demands a private audience."

"Tell them to make an appointment with Our secretary like everybody else" Argath replied. She waved her hand dismissively while turning her attention back to the strawberries.
In that moment a voice cried out for her to wait and to the surprise of everyone, another person pushed past the Chamberlain.

Three pair of eyes stared in astonishment at the stranger before them: He was wearing a dusty brown cloak with a hood which partially concealed his features. Argath was the first to regain her senses:

Guards!" She called out.

Immediately, as though they had been summoned by a magic, two rhinoceros guards appeared and seized the stranger by his shoulders.

"Take this wretch who has disturbed Us outside and whip the fur of his back", the Queen commanded.

"Your Majesty, wait!" The Stranger implored. "I know that I committed grievous offence, intruding upon you like this. However, there are matters I must discuss with you and every second counts."

The Stranger's words succeeded in arousing Argath's curiosity. She ordered the guards to stand down.

"Very well" she said. "Tell us your story, but first; remove that hood so we may see your face clearly."

The Stranger pulled down his hood, revealing himself to be a fennec, with youthful and quite handsome features.

"Your Majesty" he said. "I know my appearance at the moment makes what I am about to tell you next seem fantastic, but I am as a matter of fact a colleague of yours. You see before you the King of Guanaca."

Monday, October 7, 2019

Chapter 43

Three years had gone by since the death of King Sharan and the ascendance of his daughter to the Vinolian throne. A lot of things had changed in how the country was run and by now, it had been abundantly clear to the people of Vinoli that the new boss was not, in fact, the same as the old boss:

Following their decisive victory against their old rival Frigonia, the nation as a whole was riding high on a wave of what was either patriotism, or jingoism, depending on who you asked. Naturally, the recently crowned Queen was not slow at taking advantage of this.
Soon, posters began to appear all over the capital and later in every village and hamlet in the Kingdom. They were skillfully drawn posters of propaganda, depicting a tall, broad-shouldered figure wearing a shining armor with a golden V emblazoned on it and wielding a sword gainst a horde of grotesque, evil-looking creatures, some of which could be recognized by their clothing as being representative of certain other nations. Towering above all this was the Queen herself, gazing sternly at the horde,while placing a motherly hand on the figure's shoulder.

Other posters with similar motives followed suit, but the new propaganda machine did not stop there. Soon, every piece of art made in the kingdom, every poem, play and song that was written and performed, seemed to share the same goal: To prove Vinoli's superiority over all other nations and praise the benevolence and wisdom of its sovereign.
It must be said that this campaign worked extremely well: Many of the citizens of Vinoli had always held the opinion that theirs was a chosen nation, destined to rule the World and enthusiastically threw themselves behind the new regime's policies.

Not everyone was in agreement though; there were those who still honored the words of the old King, words by which their nation had lived for centuries. Namely, that every country had the right to self-government and that while their kingdom would stand against oppression where ever it could be found, it should never seek to impose its will on any sovereign nation.

Those who held on to this belief, were referred to as Sharanists and they clashed frequently with their rivals, referred to as either the Royalists or Argathanians. It should be mentioned that both sides called themselves the True Vinolians.

This rivalry came to an abrupt and violent end one day, on the second year of the new Queen's reign. It came in the form of a bomb, which exploded in an apartment block, killing over a hundred people and wounding another sixty.

This catastrophe shook the people of Vinoli to their core: Never had something like this occurred in their country. True, last year the oldest parts of the capital had mysteriously burned down, but that had been ruled an accident. This was different though; there could be no talk of accidents in this case: Whoever had put the bomb in the building had done so deliberately.

The Queen put Lorenzo in charge of the investigation and gave him carte blanche to use whatever means necessary in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. It did not take long for the fox to find an important lead; it turned out that among the people living in the building was a schnauzer named Merken. This Merken was an outspoken Royalist and he could often be seen in the taverns, or the square, denouncing the Sharanists with passionate and venomous speeches, that fanned the flames of hatred and had lead to increased violence between the two groups.

Using the means at his disposal, Lorenzo set about rounding up the most vocal Sharanists and had them brought to the city jail for interrogation. No-one knows what happened during the interrogation, but after two days, one of the suspects broke and confessed that he and two others had made the bomb, but that they had never intended to cause such a blood bath.

"The Person who gave us the instructions for how to build the bomb assured us that it would only take out Merken and whoever was with him at the time", one of them said.

"Oh? And who gave you these instructions?" Lorenzo asked, staring at them with his one eye.

All three replied that they did not know; the person in question had approached them wearing a hood that concealed their face and gloves, so it was impossible for them to tell what species they belonged to.
The trial went by quickly. Despite the best efforts of their attorney, the three terrorists were sentenced
to be executed in the town square the next day. On the day of the execution, the square was packed with people and as the wagon with the condemned men passed by, the crowd pelted them with insults, stones and rotten fruit.
Pale and covered in dirt and bruises, the three men were led up the scaffold and were made to kneel.

"Any last words?" The Executioner asked, his voice came muffled through his black hood.

The Three looked out at the crowd and shook their heads; what could they possibly say? That they were sorry? That they had not meant for so many to die? Somehow, it seemed unlikely that the crowd would care.
The Signal was given, the executioner raised his ax and brought it down again. He repeated this action two more times and then, it was over.

Two nights after the execution, a lone figure could be seen entering the harbor. The Figure, a marten, glanced around furtively, then reached into his coat-pocket and took out a small flask.
He then proceeded to uncork the flask and pour its contents down his throat.
"Aren't you going to offer me any?" A high-pitched voice asked.

Immediately, the marten turned around and found himself face to face with a female rat, dressed in black and wearing her hair in a bun. Her name was Rachel and she was one of the three leaders of the most powerful criminal gang in the city, if not the whole country.

"I upheld my end of our deal" said the marten, tossing the empty flask aside. "Time for you to uphold yours."

"I see that the liquor has made you bold", Rachel said. She smiled,  her front-teeth gleaming in the moonlight. Reaching down her modest cleavage, she took out a rolled-up parchment.

"Here you go" she said, tossing the parchment at the ground, in front of the marten's feet . "Your debts are now cancelled. Oh, and here's a bonus for your hard work:"

As the marten bent down to pick up the parchment, a pouch landed near it.

"Enough money for you to start a new life; the person I've been representing wanted you to have it"

"What about a ship?" The Marten asked, letting the pouch disappear into his coat pocket. "Did you find a ship that can get me out of here?"

"Indeed and its captained by someone for whom discretion is a byword. Ah, here he is now:"

Once again, the marten turned around and this time, found himself looking up at a tiger, sporting a captain's uniform.

"Well met, young fellow" the tiger said jovially. "My name is Captain Cerewan. The Lady here has explained everything, my ship is at your disposal.."

"Very well, Captain" said the marten. "Let us go, I am anxious to get aboard your ship immediately."

"Of course, the passenger's word is law. This way."

Well, Rachel thought, as she watched the two men leave. That's that, time to meet up with Lorenzo and tell him that everything has been taken care of.

With that, the female crime lord turned around and walked away, disappearing into the night.

A few days after, the citizens of Vinoli woke up to find that a new law had been declared in their country. From now on, any criticism of the Vinolian Government, or its Sovereign, no matter what form it was expressed in, would be considered an act of treason and dealt with accordingly.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Farewell Honey

Today me and my family bid farewell to our beloved dog, Honey. She had been weak for a few days, suffering from diarrhea and being unable to keep her food down and so, my father, eventually made the tough decision to have her put to sleep. Honey was a briard, introduced into the family by my mother, eleven years ago. She was a wonderful dog, full of personality. She loved food and would eat pretty much any snack that was offered to her. Her culinary tastes were not limited to stuff that you'd expect a dog to like. No, she would eat lettuce and tomato, just as readily as she would eat meat. Every day I came home from a work, she would greet me at the door and I would bend down and shake her paw, while she licked my face, until I told her enough.

As a guard-dog, Honey was not very good. Not because she didn't guard the house; she did and she took that job very seriously, but because she really only guarded it when it did not need to be guarded. At one point, someone actually broke into our garden at night and Honey, being fast asleep, did not wake up at all.

She was a very likable animal, charming everyone who came into contact with her, even people who normally don't like dogs and this house will be empty without her.

Farewell, Honey, for eleven years, you were a source of happiness (and, occasionally, frustrations; I can't deny that) for our family. You were truly man's best friend and you will be missed.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Visitor

A few hours journey from the Vinolian capital laid an estate of reasonable size. Said estate belonged to a widow, a lady of the reptilian races, by the name of Maja. She lived there with her son, Felix, his tutor and a few servants.

Maja had inherited the estate from her husband Manfred, whom she had met during a visit to one of the capital's bookshops.While there, she had spotted a title she did not recognized by one of her favorite authors. Just as she reached out to grab it, another hand did the same. Maja had turned her head and her eyes had met those of a handsome male of the same species. The Two of them had stuttered a few excuses and had presented at each other. Shortly thereafter, they had left the bookshop together, promising to see each other again. Some months later, their wedding was held and a year afterwards, Felix was born.

Now, it happened that because his parents had died when he was but a child, Manfred had been raised by an uncle, his father's brother. Said uncle was an official at court and he had taken his nephew on as an assistant, an position which Manfred did not relinquish even after he had come of age and even had a family of his own. As a result of this, the young husband and father spent a not inconsiderable amount of time in the capital, away from his home and family.

Did Manfred have any so-called "adventures" while away? Of this, we can only speculate and at any rate, Maja herself did not. She, who had once been a favorite among the capital's ladies, found that she was happy in the country. Her husband left the management of the estate, as well as the raising of their son entirely up to her and whenever he came home, he showered them both with affection.

There were no dark clouds on Maja's sky and the young woman was not about to bring any into existence.

Then, one day, on the sixth year of their marriage, Maja recieved a letter from her other half. It read as followed:

My Darling. I bring you the most interesting news. 

You will remember that last time I was at home, I told you that His Majesty has entrusted his daughter with an important diplomatic mission to the Kingdom of Guanaca and that my uncle had been chosen to be a part of the Princess's entourage on this mission. 
Unfortunately, uncle met with an accident and, as a consequence, is unable to embark on the voyage. Now, this is where the interesting part comes in: A messenger from the palace arrived at uncle's home and told me that I was being summoned to the palace. I quickly changed into my best outfit and headed there. Upon arriving at the palace, I was escorted to a room, whose chief furniture was a desk and two chairs. 

It was not long before the door opened and the Princess herself appeared. She thanked me for coming and bade me sit down. She herself took up her position behind the desk. When she were both seated, the Princess asked after my uncle, how he fared after his accident and so-on. I answered her that he was doing fine under the circumstances. Her Highness then changed the topic of the conversation to be about me. 
It was evident, she told me, that I was a very capable man and that my uncle put a lot of trust in me. Its silly, but receiving such praise from such an exalted person made me blush like a schoolboy.

The Princess then asked me if I would like to take my uncle's place. I must confess that I was on the verge of answering "Yes" immediately. I realized that this would help my career, not to mention that you know that I love to travel. Then, I thought about you and about Felix - the two people I love the most in this world. Its true that my work keeps me away from you, but the capital is not far away and 

I come home whenever I'm able. Guanaca is quite far away though and I don't know when I'll be back. It doesn't feel fair to you if I just head off on some voyage overseas and so, I told the Princess that I was flattered, but that I would like to discuss things with my wife first. Her Highness said she understood and graciously gave me a day off, in order for me to accomplish this purpose.

"However" she told me, "I shall need your answer before the end of the week." 

I thanked her and promised that she would have it. It was at that moment that I recalled hearing that before we began seeing each other, you and the Princess had been friends. With that in mind, I decided to mention your name. Upon hearing it, the Princess frowned, as though she was trying to remember some long-forgotten acquaintance and I thought that perhaps I had been mistaken, but then she nodded to herself.

"Yes" she said, staring into the distance. "I do remember someone with that name."

I was not sure what to say and shortly thereafter, the audience came to an end. I kissed the hand the Princess extended to me and assured her that she would have my answer when I returned to the capital and that regardless of what that answer might be, I was deeply honored to even be considered for such an important job.
I shall see  you both tomorrow. I count the hours until then.

Your Husband, Manfred.


The Next day, Manfred returned home as he had promised. He was greeted in the door by Felix, who threw himself into his father's outstretched arms.

"Have you been a good boy?" Manfred asked and Felix nodded.

"Do you have any presents for me?" He asked and a look of disappointment passed briefly over his face when Manfred shook his head.

"Oh, well" the boy said and shrugged his shoulders.

Manfred then put Felix down and embraced his wife, kissing on her the cheek. A tug on his sleeve caused him to look down.

"Dad, will you play with me?" Felix asked.

"In a moment, son" Manfred replied. "I have to talk to your mother first."

Felix accepted this and went out to play by himself in the garden. His parents,for their part, went into the living room and sat down in two armchairs. Almost immediately, the maid; one of two servants living in the house, appeared and Maja told her to serve them some coffee.

The Coffee arrived shortly thereafter, along with a few biscuits that had been found in a cupboard. As they sampled the coffee and the biscuits, the young couple talked about various things: Manfred asked his wife how things had been at home during his absence and he, in his turn, told her the latest news from the capital. Eventually, the conversation arrived at Manfred's letter.

"Its up to you" he said, as he put his cup down on its saucer. "If you don't want me to go, then I'll stay."

Maja closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, it was with a serious look on her face.

"To be honest" she said. "When I first read your letter, there was a part of me that really wanted to say no and I'm glad that you gave me the opportunity to do so, but I do not intend to exercise it."

Maja paused, taking in the sheer look of earnest relief that washed over her spouse's features. Then, she continued:

"I realize that this is a great opportunity for you and as your wife, I made a vow to support you. I just want you to promise me one thing."

"Whatever you want."

Maja leaned over the low glass table, lowering her eyelids seductively.

"Promise that you won't let any of the Guanacan women seduce you. I bet men as handsome as you are in short supply over there."

"I promise, there's no girl who can compete with you any way."

They both leaned forward and soon, their lips touched each other.

"We should tell Felix about this" Maja said, after they were finished. "I just hope he takes it well."

Felix did not take it well.

"Why do you have to leave?" The Boy asked his father, the corner of his lower lip quivering as he posed the question. "I don't want you to leave!" He shouted angrily, stomping his tiny foot and clutching his little fists. Then, he got an idea:

"Take me with you" Felix demanded, his face lit up by the sheer genius of this notion. "Please, father" he begged, getting down on his knees, "I promise I won't cause any trouble."

"Out of the question" Maja said in a firm tone.

Felix looked at his mother with reproach, then turned to his other parent for support.

"Your mother is right, Felix" Manfred agreed, nodding sagely. "You're far too young to undertake such a long journey".

 Seeing that his son looked as if he was about to throw a tantrum, Manfred got down on one knee and caught Felix in a bear hug.

"Listen, son" he said. "If you promise to be good, I'll bring back something for you from Guanaca and when I get home, I'll take a long vacation. I'll spend so much time with you that you'll be sick at the sight of me. Do we have a deal?"

Felix nodded.  He still would have liked to come with his father. After all, he was five years old and not a little kid anymore. He realized however that this was the best offer he would get and that pushing it further might lead to his mother grounding him. Last time, he had been confined to his room for three days and had almost died of boredom. Felix had no desire to go through that again and so, he decided to back down.

The Rest of the day went by in an idyllic fashion: Manfred spent it playing with his son, enjoying dinner in the company of his family and finally, fell into a deep sleep having made love to Maja.
The Next morning, after having breakfast, he embraced the two people he cherished the most and stepped into the carriage which would take him to the capital. Maja and Felix stood on the veranda, watching the carriage and with it, the head of the family, disappear in a cloud of dust.


Days went by, then turned to weeks and before mother and son knew it, two months passed. Two months without them hearing anything from Manfred. Maja was beginning to fear that something had happened to him- She kept her concerns to herself though, not wishing to cause her son any worry.

Then, one day, while Maja was enjoying a book in the library, Felix burst in.

"Mom! Mom!" He called out to her, his face flushed with excitement. "Look what came in the mail coach today!"

With trembling hands, he produced a thick envelope which he handed over to his mother. As she gazed at the envelope, Maja recognized her husband's handwriting and, breathing a sigh of relief, touched the envelope with her lips.

"Open it mom!" Felix insisted. "Hurry! I want to know what dad writes!"

Seeing her son's eagerness, Maja smiled fondly at him. She sat down and Felix took his place on her lap. Once they were both seated comfortably, Maja opened the envelope and took out a letter, which consisted of several pages. She unfolded the first page and began to read:

My Beloved Family.

It is my fervent hope that when this letter reaches you, it finds you both in good health. I am writing this from my room in the palace of King Suluf of Guanaca. My room overlooks a square with a fountain filled with blue water. As I write this letter, servant-girls of all species are busy washing linen in it, the sounds of the cicada's providing the background music....

Maja's reading was abruptly interrupted by Felix yawning loudly.

"This is boring" the boy complained. "Who cares about linen or cicadas? Doesn't the letter say anything interesting?"

"Well, if you just remain quiet and listen, I'm sure we'll arrive at something you'll find interesting, eventually" Maja replied, annoyed at the interruption. "Or perhaps you'd rather go outside and play while I read your father's letter alone."

Felix hurriedly shook his head and promised to be quiet. Satisfied, Maja cleared her throat and resumed her reading:

...Enough about that though, I better write something about our journey to get here. We first left Vinoli in a ship, flying diplomatic colors. This first stage on our journey was quite tedious, the most dramatic thing that happened to me was that I got sea-sick. Thankfully, after only a day's rest I was back on my feet. After four days on the sea, we reached land. Here, we were greeted by a delegation from Suluf, who were to escort us all the way to the gates to his kingdom. 

Thus, we set off; travelling through an arid desert landscape, a hostile sun glaring down at us. We had been provided with clothes that shielded us from the sun and our escorts knew where the oases were located, so we did not lack for water. Nonetheless, the heat was perfectly unbearable! There were times when I thought it would fry my brain like an egg

I was not alone in being bothered by the heat though. In fact, among us, only Her Highness seemed not troubled by it in the slightest. My guess is that her being a dragon might have something to do with it. After all, it seems logical that a race who can breathe fire would be very tolerant towards higher temperatures.

After three days of this, we came to the end journey. My dears, if my writing skills were better I could describe more aptly the sheer joy we felt at staring up at the high white walls surrounding King Suluf's capital. Upon entering the city, we were immediately escorted to the palace and soon found ourselves standing in the large, open throne room. 

As is the custom, we approached the throne with our eyes downcast. Once we had taken twenty steps, we knelt down and pressed our foreheads to the floor. While in that position, I could hear the King and our Princess exchanged greetings. King Shuluf then gave us leave to rise and so, I got my first glimpse of Guanaca's sovereign. 

He is a panther, tall and athletically built. His fur is mostly black, with the occasional streaks of silver here and there and his eyes are green. Seated next to the King, on a smaller and lower throne was his Queen, a fennec whose fur is the color of the sun. I must admit that, I found her fairly attractive. Though, naturally, she can't compare to you.

The Princess then presented the King and Queen with the gifts we had brought with us. After the royal couple had expressed their gratitude. Shortly thereafter, the audience came to an end and we were shown to our quarters. I was grateful for an opportunity to rest after the long journey and to change out of my travelling clothes. Once I had done that, I decided to sit down and compose this letter. 

All that's left for me now is to find someone who is heading for Vinoli and is willing to take it with them. This letter, the first I write from Guanaca, will also be the last one. My further experiences in this country, I shall recount to you both in person.

With all my love, Manfred.


Maja stood in her study, gazing out the window. Outside the rain poured down in torrents, hammering on the roof and windows, like an invading force trying to break in.
What a depressing sight, Maja thought. Oh, well, it won't last forever.

Sighing resignedly, she sat down behind the desk and from its drawer took out a black book, which she opened. It was in this book that Maja noted down everything that needed to be done in the house for the coming month, along with eventual expenses.

A gentle, but audible knock on the door, Maja look up from her writing.

"Enter" she said.

"Excuse me, ma'm" Joanna the maid said, as she stood in the doorway, "but there's a person here to see you."

"To see me?" Maja asked, surprised. "It must be important if they came to see me in this beastly weather. Where are they now?"

Joanna informed her mistress that the visitor was waiting in the kitchen. Maja went there and stood for a moment in the kitchen door, looking at the scene before her: Standing by the fire was an ermine, dressed in a wide-brimmed hat and a travelling cloak. Aside from him, the only other person in the kitchen was the muskrat cook, who was enjoying his siesta; dead to the world around him.
Maja entered the kitchen and upon hearing her footsteps, the visitor turned around.

"Lady Maja" he said, bowing to her, while clutching the brim of his hat. "Thank you for seeing me."

"It is nothing"  Maja replied. "And please, Maja will do just fine. I do not have a title."

The Ermine seemed to ponder this for a second, then shrugged.

"As you wish" he said. "Though in confidence I can say that I've met actual ladies who were less ladylike than you, madame."

"You have traveled far" Maja observed, noticing the mud-stains on the visitor's boots and the dust from the road that clung to his white fur.

"Farther than you know, madame" the visitor replied. "I have traveled across the sea to give you this."

Reaching into the fold of his cloak, the visitor produced an envelope, which he handed to his host.

"You said you traveled across the sea" Maja began and despite her best efforts to remain calm, her voice quivered nervously. "Can I assume than, that you were part of the diplomatic mission to Guanaca"

"You assume correct, madame."

Despite the warmth from the fire, Maja felt a chill run down her spine.

"Tell me" she said, swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat. "Has something happened to my husband?"

"Its all in the letter I gave you" the ermine replied, pointing at the envelope in Maja's hand. "The Princess herself wrote it."

For the first time, Maja took a closer look at the envelope and doing so, she noticed that it bore the seal of the Royal family. Her hands trembled.

"I know it must be done, but I dread opening this letter and reading the words. May I ask you to do it in my stead?"

The Ermine nodded and Maja handed him the envelope. With his claws, he broke the seal, took out the letter and began to read out-loud...


Upstairs in his room,  Felix was busy amusing himself playing with his toys, when a loud shriek pierced his ears. He immediately recognized his mother's voice and, being the dutiful son that he was, put his toys down and rushed to her aid. Upon arriving at the kitchen, he found his mother lying in a pile on the floor, with the cook, the maid and a third person he did not recognize, knelt beside her.

"Mom!" Felix exclaimed. "What's happened? Who are you?" He added, looking suspiciously at the stranger.

"Do not fret, lad" said the ermine, holding his paws up in the universal gesture for peace. "I am merely a messenger."

"Felix is that you?" Maja asked, her voice faint.

"Yes, mom" Felix replied. "Its me. Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself somewhere?"
Maja lifted her head and looked at her son with tears streaming down her face. Then, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Mom, what is it?" Felix asked, as he was pressed against his mother's breast. "Did something happen?" He asked the question with fear in his voice.

Maja relaxed her grip and put one hand on Felix's shoulder, while its twin caressed his cheek.

"Felix" she began. "It's your father. He...." She paused, mentally gathering the strength required to say what she had to. "He is dead" she finished and on that final word, her voice broke into a sob.

Dead. It was the first time in his life that Felix heard that word and yet, just from the sound of it and the heavy silence that reigned in the kitchen, that it signified something important. Important and awful.

"Does this mean that dad is not coming home?" He asked and his mother nodded.

Felix could not believe it. It seemed unreal to him that his father was gone and would never come back. Suddenly, he felt a curious pain in his chest, such as he had never felt before and tears welled up in his eyes.


A month after the news of Manfred's demise had reached his family, the diplomatic expedition returned home. Their mission had been a success and a friendly relationship had been established between the two kingdoms. As for Manfred, they had not been able to bring his body back with them and so, he was buried there; far from home. Nonetheless, a funeral was held by his widow, so that those who had been close to Manfred could say their good-byes.

The Funeral was attended by a fairly large group of people, including the servants and a few people from court. They had been part of the mission and had come to offer their deceased colleague's widow their condolences. Later on, a few of them would try to replace Manfred in Maja's heart, but to no avail.

From the crown, Maja received a widow's pension, which together with her income from the estate, allowed for her and Felix to live a comfortable life, free of any economic struggles and when the harvest went wrong one year and it looked like the tenants would not be able to pay the rent, Maja gave them a reprieve until times were better and handed out grain that had been stored, so that they and their families wouldn't starve when winter came.

Two years later, on a warm summer's day, Felix was playing in the garden and Maja, having nothing do to, decided to relax by sunbathing on the veranda. Reclining in a sun-chair, she closed her eyes and was just about to drift off to sleep, when a voice whispered in her ear:

"Guess who?"

Maja fell out of her chair in surprise. Picking herself up, her heart doing somersaults in her chest, she stared with saucer-eyes at the person before her, not knowing what to say or do. Just then, Felix came running up to the veranda, his face flush with excitement.

"Mom, mom! Look who's here!" He said, practically bouncing up and down. "Its the Crown Princess!" He added helpfully, in case his mother was not aware of this.

So I see, Maja thought.

She picked herself up off of the ground and turned to the surprise-visitor.

"Your Highness" she said, curtsying. "This is certainly a surprise. Forgive my attire, but I was not expecting company. Especially such exalted company as this."

"Your son wanted to go ahead and announce my arrival, but I convinced him that this would be much more amusing" the Princess replied, while casually twirling the umbrella she used to shield herself from the sun. "And I was right, wasn't I?" She said, turning to Felix.

Felix nodded eagerly, his tiny hands covering his mouth.

"You should have seen your face, mom!" He hollered. "It looked like this!"

He proceeded to contort his face into a series of comically exaggerated expressions.

"Oh, bravo!" The Princess exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Your son really has a gift for mimicry, dear Maja."

Very amusing, Maja thought sarcastically.

She wondered what sort of expression her son would make if she was to announce to him that he was grounded for the next two weeks. Not that she would do that to him. Not for such a petty reason any way, but the mental image cheered her up a bit.

"Your Highness, permit me to go inside and change into a more appropriate attire."

"Well, you can hardly slip into something more comfortable" the Princess replied with a wry grin.
"Go ahead, I'll have young Felix entertain me until you come back. You don't mind do you, Felix?"

Felix shook his head eagerly, flattered by the attention.

Once she was back inside, Maja leaned against the door and took a few deep breaths, in order to calm her nerves. She passed her hand over her face and as she did, the same question as before, kept repeating in her head:

What was Argath doing here? They hadn't spoken to each other in years, not since before she was married.

Maja's mind drifted back to the last time the two of them had talked to each other. Said conversation had taken place in Argath's bedroom, with Maja sitting on the side of the bed, sensing the Princess' gaze on her bare back.

"There is something I need to tell you" she said, as she reached down for her clothes.

"You intend to marry that fellow you've been seing" Argath had replied in a dispassionate voice. "Manuel, something?"

Maja turned around and looked at her lover with eyes that had grown slightly in size.

"It's Manfred and how did you know?"

Argath let out a deep chuckle. She smiled, showing her teeth.

"It is not much that goes on in this city that I do not know about" she said.

Maja felt herself relax.

"To be honest, I am glad that you already knew; I wasn't sure how to tell you."

"Why? Were you perhaps worried that I would be opposed to you tying the knot."

After a moment's hesitation, Maja gave a small, timid nod.

"Silly girl" Argath said.

She edged closer to Maja and wrapped her arms around her, resting her head on the younger woman's bare shoulders.

"You are not my slave, not that we have slaves here in Vinoli. You are free to do as you wish. Besides, there is no reason why our relationship should change, is there?"

Once again, Maja felt her entire being tense up. Something told her that Argath would not take what she was about to hear next as well as she had taken news of the upcoming marriage. And yet, it had to be told. She took a deep breath...

"Argath, you know that I care about you."

"You've never given me cause to doubt that. At least, not until now."

"I will always consider you a friend and treasure these moments we've had together" Maja went on. The Words came slowly out of her mouth, as if she had to force herself to say them. For the first time, she wished that Argath's hands would not touch her, but for some reason, she dared not tell the female dragon to remove them.

"However, once Manfred I are wed, I intend to honor my vows to him. All of this, it will be a thing of the past."

There, she thought. Now it has been said, all I can do now is wait for her reaction.

"A commendable stance" Argath replied. Her voice remained calm, almost aloof. "Still, I ask you to reconsider. Talk it over with your husband; tell him that such an arrangement would benefit him as well, for he would have my eternal gratitude and that, my pet, is worth more than gold."

A part of Maja had to admit that she was tempted by Argath's proposition and yet she knew that she could not agree to it. Even if Manfred did, Maja knew that she would still feel as though she was betraying him and her feelings of guilt would cast a shadow both over her relationship with both him and the Princess.

"I am sorry, Argath", she said and was surprised by the firmness in her voice. "But my decision is made."
Barely had she uttered these words, before a sharp pain in her shoulders caused her to cry out:

"Argath, you are hurting me!" She protested.

"Am I? You must forgive me, I had not noticed."

Argath released her grip and  Maja quickly rose from the bed. She glanced at her shoulders, tiny marks had been made in her skin. In the past, she had heard rumors that the Princess had a cruel streak that sometimes revealed itself. However, Maja had never seen any proof of this. On the contrary, she had always known Argath to be the kindest and most attentive of lovers, which was one reason why she had put off telling her about the marriage. As such, Maja had never put any stock in this rumor, until now.

"I should leave" she said, dressing herself as quickly as she could.

"Yes" Argath said, in a voice that cut like a knife. "You should."

Putting on her shoes, Maja opened the door to the bedchamber and stepped out. She walked through the rooms in which she had spent many an enjoyable moment and realized that she would probably never see these rooms again. The Thought filled her with sadness. Sadness, but also anger.

She could not understand why the Princess had reacted this way. After all, Argath had been alive for almost a century. She had had plenty of lovers before Maja and doubtlessly, some of them had ended up marrying, whether it was men or other women. Besides, there were the servant-girls that made up Argath's personal staff. It was common knowledge that the Princess treated them as her harem and did so, even when she happened to be in a relationship.

So, why did she become so upset when I told her that in the future we could only be friends? Maja wondered. It couldn't be that she...

Her musings were suddenly interrupted by a faint sound emerging from the inner parts of the apartment. It sounded like a wail or a sob. For a moment, Maja felt a twinge of regret and then, she steeled herself and walked out the front door.

She and Argath had not talked to each other since that day. Despite this, Maja had sent a wedding invitation to the Princess. It had been returned, unopened.
Taking this into account, it was no wonder that her husband's letter in which he told her that he had been chosen by Argath to accompany her to Guanaca, had taken Maja by surprise. It had also given her cause to hope that some reconciliation would be possible between them.

Then the tragic news of Manfred's demise had come and just from the reading the letter, Maja could tell that she had been too optimistic. True, the letter was written by Argath, but its contents were strict and formal, offering the customary condolences, but nothing more.

While she had been recalling all this, Maja had headed upstairs to the master bedroom. There, she opened her closet and took out her finest blue dress, she then sat down in front of her mirror and began applying her make-up. When this was done, she headed back downstairs.
Upon coming out on the veranda, Maja was surprised to find that her guest was alone there.

"Your son's tutor came and took him away" Argath said, answering Maja's question before she had had time to say it. She smiled, showing a row of sharp teeth.
"I'm afraid that seeing me talking to his pupil gave the fellow quite a start."

I can imagine, Miranda thought. "Would Your Highness like to come in?" She asked out-loud.

Her Highness did and with a bow, Maja opened the door, allowing Argath to step into the hallway.


Maja took the Princess on the same tour that she gave all her guests: Showing her the rooms on the manor's ground-floor; the library with its rich selection of literature, the sitting room and so-on. As they passed through each room, Argath would pause to compliment the decor, or admire a piece of art, which she knew her hostess had picked out personally.
Maja could not help but feel flattered by all this praise, she had forgotten how charming Argath could be when she wanted to. What really made her happy though, was the Princess' remark about her son:

"Felix is a bright young boy. You've done an excellent job raising him"

"Thank you" Maja replied, her heart swelling with satisfaction. "He is my pride and joy."

It then occurred to Maja that her guest might be thirsty and so, she asked if the Princess would like something to drink.

"Well, I am rather parched" Argath replied, massaging her throat for emphasis. "A glass of water would be appreciated. Although..."

This time it was Maja who anticipated what her guest was about to say:

"We do have a wine-cellar" she said with a smile."If Your Highness would go back to the salon and wait there a moment?"

Having spent her life in the corridors of the Royal Palace, Argath had no problem finding her way in the comparatively smaller manor. She had soon reached the salon and made herself comfortable on a red sofa. Soon, Maja returned carrying with her a bottle and two glasses.

"This used to be Your Highness' favorite" she said, showing the label to Argath. "I just remembered that we had a bottle left."

She uncorked the bottle and filled the glasses.

"Here's to our reunion" Maja said as she raised her glass. The Princess did the same, the shadow of a smile on her features.

"To our reunion" she echoed, as their glasses clinked together.

The Wine was excellent,and the two women commented approvingly on its rich taste. Before Maja knew it she had finished her glass and almost immediately, Argath re-filled it for her.

"Your Highness is my guest" Maja protested. "I should be the one serving you."

"I still have some left" Argath said, taking another sip of wine. "By the way, ever since I came here, you've been calling me 'Your Highness'. We used to be on first-name basis, remember?"

Maja nodded.

"Considering our last meeting, I didn't think that we still were."

Argath smiled, her fingers brushed against Maja's knuckles.

"I want us to be. Say my name, like you used to."

Maja smiled back.

"Your wish is my command...Argath."

As the content of the wine bottle dwindled, the atmosphere between Maja and her guest became less and less formal and soon, Manfred's widow found herself stretched out on the couch, resting her head in her former lover's lap. A silence filled the room, then the female dragon spoke:


"Yes, Argath?"

"Manfred's death, do you blame me for it?"

"I did, at first, I'm sorry to say. Then, I realized that I was being unfair: What happened to Manfred was no-one's fault. It was a tragic accident, nothing more. "I wish you had come to the funeral though, it would have meant a lot."

"I know I should have come and offered you my support, but I wasn't able to. I am sorry, Maja. Truly, I am."

Sitting up, Maja moved herself closer to her guest.

"Its fine" she said. "I forgive you."

"Do you, really?"

Maja nodded.

"If you do, then kiss me."

After a moment's hesitation, Maja reached out and gave Argath a peck on the cheek. The Princess shook her head.

"Come now, Maja" she said. "You know that is not what I meant. Here, let me show you."

With those words, Argath wrapped her arms around Maja and kissed her on the lips. It was deep kiss, of the kind that the two had shared in the pas and it took a few seconds for Maja's brain to register what was happening. As soon as it did, though, she put her hands on Argath's chest and pushed her away.

"W-we shouldn't" she muttered, a hue of red coloring her cheeks.

"Oh? Argath asked, an expression of wry amusement on her face. "And why is that?"

"Argath!" Maja gasped, shocked. "My son is in the house!"

"He is busy with his lessons. I know you want this, don't try do deny it."

"It's just...." Maja began, looking down at her feet. "What if Manfred is watching over me from the afterlife?"

Argath rolled her eyes surreptitiously. Somehow, it had slipped her mind that Maja believed in that sort of thing.

"I'm sure he does" she said in a reassuring voice "and do you know what I believe that he's thinking?"

Maja shook her head.

"I bet that in this moment, Manfred is thinking to himself: How fortunate that my beloved Maja has found someone who will be there for her now that I am no longer able to. Someone who treasures her as much as I do. Someone who will serve her every needs and be there for her and Felix."

"You really think so?"

"I do. After all, you are no more than thirty years old. I doubt your husband wanted you to be alone for the rest of your life."

Maja closed her eyes. A vision appeared in her mind. In it, she stood at a crossroads with both her paths blocked by a naked figure. Standing on the path leading west was Manfred,  smiling at her, his cock standing at full attention. On the eastern path, Argath spread her legs and with a crooked finger, beckoned Maja to join her. Between the two of them, they caused Maja's heart to beat faster. How could she choose between them?

Maja then realized that she had been at this crossroads before. That time, she had chosen Manfred. She had never regretted that choice, but Manfred was gone and although Maja hoped that she would eventually see him again in the after-life, she was not in any hurry to leave this world behind and until that day came, why should she not renew her relationship with the other person she had loved. She opened her eyes and looked at Argath.

"I'm not going to marry you" she said. "I promised myself that after Manfred, I wouldn't remarry."

The Princess' eyes widened in surprise.

"Who said anything about marriage?" She said with an amused look on her face. "No, my dear; as much as I would love to take you to the altar, I am well aware that as heir to the throne, I shall one day have to wed some male in order to produce an heir of my own."

"Well, you could always adopt a child."

"Oh, did you have any in mind? Your own son, perhaps? I'm sorry Maja, for all his undoubted qualities, I'm afraid Felix lacks the most essential requirement for becoming King over Vinoli."

"By essential requirement, you mean being a dragon, am I correct?"

"That is so." The Tone in Argath's voice was almost apologetic. "There must always be a dragon on Vinoli's throne. Of course, I'm sure that Felix will have a seat on the Council when he gets older, but enough talk about the future. Why don't you show me the rest of the house? I know that there's at least one room that I have not seen yet."

Maja rose from her seat and offered Argath her hand.

"My bedroom is upstairs" she said, a warm sensation welling up in her, as she could feel the Princess' hand in her own.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Changes In Taste

When it comes to entertainment, no person's taste is completely set in stone and Yours Truly is no exception to this rule. Certainly, there are plenty  works of fiction whose plots, characters, themes, etc will always resonate deeply with me and which I revisit regularly without finding that the love and admiration I felt for them when I first encountered them, has in any way faded. That said, there are also plenty of works of which is not the case. These are the works that I used to be really into at various points in my life, but that do not resonate as strongly as they used to back in the day. "The Day" in question can refer to any time in my life, from childhood and adolescence to just a few years ago.

TV-shows, whether animated or live-action are particularly prone to falling victim to this, especially long-running ones, which is why the majority of my favorite shows tend to be comparatively short, either by design or due to cancellation. Now, there are of course long-running shows that avoid this, Mad Men being the first example to come to mind. I actually thought that that show got more interesting in its later seasons, but again, its an exception.

Then there are shows like The Simpsons, South Park, Archer, Adventure Time and Steven Universe, among others. All of them clear-cut examples of this. Out of these, Steven Universe is the only one that I'm caught up with and even there, I can't say that I'm as invested in the show as I used to be.

Moving away from television, there is the Star Wars franchise. Now, I'm too young to have seen the original trilogy when it came out, but it  was nonetheless a part of my childhood. As time went on though, my interest in Star Wars as a whole, became more and more casual. These days, I've come to the realization that I find the setting in which Star Wars takes place more interesting than any of the actual movies or shows. This also applies to the Harry Potter books, by the way.

Let me provide one final example, this time from the 9th artform. Jacques Tardi's Adele Blanc-Sec comics was a favorite of mine when I was in my teens, but upon revisiting some of the albums recently, I found that it didn't quite hold up to me. Still entertaining, but not in the same class as some of Tardi's other work.

There are other examples I could mention, but I'll stop here. I should point out though, that I do not dislike any of the works I listed here. No, at worst, I'm simply indifferent towards them and even when that's the case, there are parts of them that I will always be fond of, but none of them are works that I consider to be indispensable to me, even though, at some point, they might have been.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Chapter 42

Risha pinched herself hard in the arm. The Pain she felt was real enough; meaning that she was awake and not having a very lucid dream. Though in this case, nightmare might have been the more apt description.

She stared at the bed in front of her: The Traces of drool on the pillow and the creases in the mattress was proof that her brother had slept in it and yet, the bed was completely devoid of Leorin.
With this established, the question then became as follows: If Leo wasn't in her bed, where could he be? He could not have left the room during the night. After all, the door had been locked and the window was shut. Besides, even if her brother could be a bit of a daredevil, Risha did not think that he would climb out a window and go on a stroll in the middle of the night, in a foreign city.

Taking all of this into account, logic dictated that Leorin must be somewhere in the room. Knowing him, he had probably woken up early and, being in a mischievous mood, had hid himself in order to play a prank on his sister. Once she had reached this conclusion, Risha could not help but feel a bit annoyed with her brother: Of all the childish....She had a good mind to twist his ear.

"Leo!" She called out. "We know you are here! You can stop hiding!"

There was no answer.

Meanwhile, Merees had pulled the curtains aside, to see if Leo might be hiding on the window-sill. No such luck though. She decided to try a different approach to lure the young rascal out:

"Leorin! If you come out right now, I will buy you a treat, but if you don't your sister and I are going to go eat breakfast without you!"

"Yes!" Risha said, addressing the wardrobe in which, no doubt, Leorin was hiding.
"A-and I am going to get the treat that was meant for you and I will take it back to the hotel and eat it in front of you and you can't have any! You'll have to eat broccoli! You hear me? Broccoli!"

She crossed her arms, as the corner of her mouth curved upwards into a confident smirk. There, she thought, that should do the trick.

Or not. Despite the threat of having to eat the vegetable he despised the most, Leorin persisted in his silence.

Risha could feel a tiny hole begin to grow in her stomach. She turned to Merees in the hope that she might be able to offer some support.

"Perhaps he fell asleep while hiding" the Princess suggested.

"Of course! That must be it!"

Her heart beating faster with excitement, Risha approached the wardrobe and flung the doors open.

The Next moment, the triumphant cry the lynx-girl had been ready to deliver into the world, died on her lips: The Wardrobe contained all the things you would expect to find in a wardrobe; clothes and three pair of shoes, but no Leorin.

Risha could feel her legs give way underneath her. She was about to hit the floor, when Merees caught her.

"He's not here" she muttered silently, all the color drained from her face.
"He's not here!" She repeated, louder this time; her voice shrill with fear. She pointed at the empty space where her brother was supposed to have been.

"I know, Risha, I know. Calm down."

"Calm down?!" Risha spun around and stared at her girlfriend with eyes like saucers."My brother has disappeared! Disappeared from a locked room, might I add and I'm supposed to calm down?!"

In her excitement, Risha  had took hold off Merees' collar. Upon realizing this, she immediately let go.

"I-I'm sorry" she stuttered. "I'm just..." She looked down at the carpet, unable to finish the sentence as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"I understand", Merees said. "I'm worried about Leorin too."

She wrapped her arms around Risha, holding the lynx-girl close and kissing her on the forehead. Caught in that loving embrace, Risha began to calm down; her breathing regained its usual rythm and Merees could feel her body, which had been taut as a bowstring, relax.

"Feeling better?" Merees asked.

Risha nodded.

"A little, thank you." She looked up at Merees and smiled, then the smile vanished and was replaced with a look of grim determination.

"We need to find out what happened to my brother. Obviously, someone took him from this room while he was sleeping. I don't know how they did it, but perhaps we can find some clue that will lead us to the culprit."

"Good idea."

They immediately began to search the room, fin-combing every inch of it, sometimes checking the same area twice, just to be on the safe side. Alas, after an hour of searching, the two girls were forced to face that their efforts had yielded no results.

"I just don't understand it" Merees said, as they walked down the stairs to the hotel lobby. "Why would someone kidnap Leorin?"

"Yes" Risha agreed, furrowing her brow. "It is a mystery."

And then, just as she uttered that last word, realization struck Risha like a sledgehammer between the eyes. She was so unprepared for this that she staggered and had to grab onto the stairs' railing for support.

"What is it?" Merees asked.

"I know who the kidnapper is" Risha replied. "Damn it!" She added a second later, causing a pair of richly dressed ostriches who walked past to give her a couple of disapproving looks. "This is my fault!"

"Your fault?" Merees stared at Risha in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Risha sighed and sat down on the steps, Merees did the same.

"When we first came here and you were at the bank, Leorin thought he saw someone he recognized...a tiger."

"A tiger? You don't mean..."

"At first, I didn't think so. I figured that Leorin was simply mistaken. After all, he had only caught a brief glimpse of them and there must be plenty of tigers living in this city. What if Leorin had seen correctly, though and Cerewan really is here, in Tiraliros?"

"If he is" Merees said, while rubbing her chin. "He would be the most likely suspect."

"'You see? This is all my fault" Risha wailed, burying her face in her knees. "I didn't take my brother seriously and now, look what happened. Poor Leo, he must be so frightened. I am the worst sister ever."

"Risha, look at me."

Risha lifted her head, surprised at the tone in Merees' voice. Just as she did, she received a slap across the face.

"What was that for?" She asked, more taken aback by the fact that Merees had slapped her than the actual slap itself.

"I'm sorry, Risha, but you need to stop talking such utter nonsense. You are not the worst sister ever. Trust me, that position has been filled...permanently."

Her features softening, the dragon leaned closer to the lynx and kissed her on the cheek.

"I guess I can't argue with that" Risha replied. In spite of everything, her lips began to pull upwards, forming a smile.

"Exactly. Now, we are going to get Leorin back, I promise. We'll go downstairs and see if the kidnappers, whoever they are, have left us a message. Then, we will discreetly inform the local police and perhaps Eramus and his troupe as well."

She stood up and as she did, her stomach let out a rumbling noise. Immediately afterwads, Risha's did the same.

"But before we do anything else, we'd best eat some breakfast."


Upon coming down to the lobby, Risha and Merees were greeted by the owner of the hotel, who was standing behind the desk.

"Good morning, ladies. I hope you had a good night's sleep?"

They returned the greeting and assured him that they had slept well. Leaning forward, the stag gazed at a spot behind Risha, as though he had expected to find someone standing there.

"The Young lad who arrived with you, I assume he is still asleep?"

Risha and Merees exchanged looks.

"Yes" Merees replied. "It got pretty late yesterday, so we figured we'd let him sleep in."

"By the way, a letter arrived at you earlier this morning."

The Owner vanished behind the desk and then popped up like a dignified jack-in-the-box, holding a letter.

"You wouldn't happen to know who delivered this?" Risha asked. She tried to keep voice calm, even though her heart was pounding against her ribs.

"I do, the letter was delivered by an otter. I must admit that his looks did not exactly inspire confidence, but once he opened his mouth, I could find no fault in his manners."

Again, Risha and Merees' eyes met. One name was on both of their lips:


With that, the last traces of doubt as to the identity of Leorin's kidnapper vanished. Struggling to keep her paws steady, Risha opened the letter and read it. As she did, a look of utter despair was sketched across her features.

"We can't go to the police" she whispered, grabbing Merees' arm. "Read this."

She handed the letter to Merees. Its contents read as follows:

Greetings, ladies.
I can imagine your surprise upon reading this letter. I must confess that I, too, was surprised, finding you alive and well. Me and my crew all thought that you had perished at sea, but evidently not. I suppose that that traitor Luke was less fortunate. Or perhaps, he was; I can assure you that the fate I had in store for him was much worse than mere death by drowning, or being eaten by a shark or whatever fate befell him. 
Anyway, let's get down to business: Risha's adorable little brother is currently in my custody. Do not tax your feeble minds trying to figure out how I pulled it off; the important thing is that I did, with a bit of help from my crew and a couple of newfound allies. 
Here's what you will do: This evening, you will come to the harbor. Unarmed and, I must stress this, alone. I strongly advise you against contacting the police, or anyone else. I will find out and the consequences will be very detreminal to poor Leorin's health.
I am looking forward to seeing you again. 
Best wishes, Captain Cerewan.


Not feeling like going out, the couple spent the day at their chamber, counting the hours until it was time for their rendez-vous, leaving it only to eat dinner at the hotel's restaurant.  The Food served at the hotel was first-rate, but to the two young women, it might as well have been prison slop. What a dark turn their sojourn at Tiraliros had taken!

Finally, the time had come. With their hearts heavy, Risha and Merees left the hotel and set off to the harbor. A thick fog had swept in from the sea, making navigation quite difficult, but they soon reached their destination. Risha and Merees had barely stepped into the harbor area, when a rough voice cried out to them:

"Stay right where you are! Remove your clothing!"

The Lynx and the dragon could feel their faces heat up with both embarrassment and anger upon receiving this humiliating order. Reluctantly, they obeyed and stood there, shivering in their underwear, gazing anxiously in the direction the voice had come from.
Then, two figures stepped out of the fog. Risha and Merees recognized them immediately: The First one was a member of Captain Cerewan's crew. The Second  was none other than...

"Isso!" Risha exclaimed, staring at the ocelot. "You traitor!"

The Ocelot met the lynx-girl's basilisk glare with one of his own.

"As far as I am concerned, Eramus and the others betrayed me when they agreed to let that vile creature aboard our ship."

Risso turned his head and spat in Merees' direction, a glob of his saliva struck the dragon-princess on the cheek. Enraged, Risha took a step forward, but Merees shook her head.

"Don't" she said. "Remember what's at stake."

Risha stepped back, though in her head she made a vow, that come what may, one day she'd make Isso pay.

"To think that I almost felt sorry for striking you that time" she said, shaking her head. "Now, my only regret is that I did not strike harder."

Isso's lips curled up in a twisted grin.

"That's right, I do owe you one punch..."

He stepped forward, his paw balled into a fist.

Just then, Isso's associate put a heavy paw on his shoulder.

"Wait!" He exclaimed. "Remember, the captain's orders: They are not to be hurt."

"I know that!" Isso growled, slapping away the crewman's paw. "I wasn't going to hit her in the face. Besides, your captain is not my boss: He and I are associates, remember that."

He then ordered the crewman to search Risha and Merees for any concealed weapons. Grinning lecherously, the crewman went about his task, starting with the Princess. Risha could only watch in revulsion as those coarse paws defiled her beloved. She knew that she was next, but somehow, seeing it happened to Mer was even worse than enduring it herself.
 Once the body-search was done, Isso opened his coat and took out a syringe, which he proceeded to fill with an amber-colored liquid from a vial.

"What are you doing?!" Risha screamed as the ocelot plunged the needle into Merees' arm, causing her to wince in pain.

"Just a little mixture I've put together in my spare time" the ocelot replied. "Don't worry, its not lethal. I just wanted to see what its effects are on dragons. "

Cold sweat running down her spine, Risha looked at Merees, wondering what the effects of the drug that had been injected in her system would be. She got her answer almost immediately, as the dragon called out in a voice, so frightened and confused that the lynx-girl could feel her heart break:

"Risha, where are you? Everything turned dark all of a sudden. I...I can't see."

"Monster!" Risha yelled, horrified. "What have you done?!"

"Just a small preview of what's due to her and all other dragons" Isso replied, his face like stone. "She'll get her sight back, or maybe not."

Risha looked as though she wanted to turn Isso's Adam's apple into applesauce. Then, she walked over to Merees.

"I am here, Mer" she said. "Lean on me, I'll be your eyes."

With the blind Merees leaning on her shoulder and Isso walking behind her, Risha followed the sailor until they arrived outside one of the harbor's warehouses.

"Get in" Isso said, giving Risha a shove which caused her to stagger a few steps before regaining her footing. Her pulse quickening, Risha obeyed.

The First thing that greeted her upon stepping inside was the sight of Captain Cerewan lounging on an upturned crate, surrounded by several members of his crew. However, it was the person standing slightly behind the captain who caused the lynx-girl to let out a gasp of surprise.

"You!" She shouted, hardly believing her own eyes.

"I told you, we would meet each other again" said the jackal. "Sooner than you think."

"I recognize that voice" said Merees, her own voice trembling. "Who is that? Risha, where are we?"
Risha told her.

"So all  our enemies are here?" Merees asked.

"Except for one.

Rolling her veiled eyes, the dragon let out a snort.

"Almost makes me glad I can't see anything. Must be a veritable horror-show in here."

Upon hearing this, the captain let out a loud, jovial laugh.

"True, most of these ruffians are not much look at. You two ladies on the other hand are looking positively radiant, given the circumstances. Evidently, the air of Tiraliros agrees with you."

"Where is my brother?" Risha said, having no patience for the hollow pleasantries of their host. "I want to see him."

"As you wish."

Cerewan snapped his fingers and two crewmen stepped forward with Leorin between them. The Siblings looked at each other.

"Leo" Risha said. "Are you alright? You are not hurt?"

Leorin shook his head.

"I'm fine" he replied. "Risha, what's going to happen to us?"

Upon hearing that her brother was unharmed, Risha felt a wave of relief wash over her. Tears made her vision blurry, she blinked them away.

"What is it you want, Captain?" Merees asked, addressing a stack of crates. "Is it money? Let the boy go and I'll give you all the money I have."

Crossing his arms, the tiger let out a low, sinister chuckle.

"Oh, I already have what I want, Princess. I have you three...right where I want you."

He made a gesture and his lackeys  closed in around Risha and Merees.

"This time" Cerewan continued. "You are going to the slave-market in Kaluba, as originally planned.

I expect to get a good prize for all of you, especially Her Highness. After all, one does not often see dragons standing on the auctioneer's podium."


Isso stared at the captain, his mouth hanging open.

"The Dragon is mine, to do with as I wish. That was our deal" He protested, voice shaking with anger.

The Tiger shot the ocelot a contemptuous look.

"I am altering deal" he announced, a touch of frost in his voice. "Pray I do not alter it further."

Isso's eyes looked as though they were about to pop out of their sockets.

You treacherous son of a bitch" he hissed. "In that case, I will kill it here and now instead!"

A shot rang out, the smell of gunpowder filled the air. Isso stared down. A crimson flower had appeared on his chest and was rapidly expanding. The Knife, which he had intended to plunge into the defenseless Merees, dropped out of the ocelot's hands and onto the cold floor. Isso fell backwards, his eyes staring into eternity.

Cerewan blew the smoke from his gun and put it back in his belt.

"Do not insult my mother" he muttered quietly. "What a sad little man" he said out-loud, nudging the corpse with the tip of his boot. "So full of anger and hate. Honestly, how can a person live like that?"

He shook his head in puzzlement and then turned to his other associate.

"I trust you have no problems with this arrangement?" He asked.

The Jackal shook his head.

"Not at all. The Way I see it, being able to profit off of your enemies' suffering is a most satisfying revenge."

Cerewan showed his teeth in a wide grin.

"Ah, you're a fellow after my own heart"

Risha, who had positioned herself in front of Merees, stared at what once had been Isso. From the moment they had first met, she had despised the ocelot and his demise brought her no sorrow. Despite this, she found herself sickened by the cold-blooded way in which XXc had murdered him.
The Smell of blood assaulted the lynx-girl's nostrils, causing her to feel dizzy.

This can't be it, she thought. I have to find a way to get us out of here. Or at least get Leorin out. He's my responsibility. I'm his older sister, I have to protect him.

Risha swallowed, forcing the bile back down her throat. She taxed her mind, searching for a solution, but to no avail. What could she do? Their situation was truly a dire one. Here they were, unarmed and surrounded by foes. Not to mention one of them being temporarily blinded. Risha could feel herself sink into a bog of despair, never before had she felt so completely powerless.

In that moment, a short, sharp cry pierced the air. Her heart beating faster, Risha looked in the direction the cry had come from, as did all the others. Standing there, clutching his bleeding fingers, was one of the two sailors who had guarded Leorin, but off Leorion there was no trace!

"You buffoon" Cerewan growled, shooting daggers at his crewman from his eyes. "Can't you even guard one measly kitten?"

"The little beast bit me, Captain" the crewman wailed. "Its bleeding, I think I need a doctor."

If the sailor had counted on the sympathy of his employer, he was obviously barking up the wrong tree.

"You'll definitely need a doctor if you don't catch that brat, you mutt" Cerewan retorted sharply, delivering a blow to the back of his crewman's head.

 Whining, the sailor wrapped his handkerchief around his bleeding fingers, while the captain barked out orders to the others. Soon, everyone was busy chasing Leorin, including the sailor who had kept watch over the two other captives.

Risha observed what was going on with the feeling of a drowning man who had just spotted a buoy within arms-length. With a growing sense of excitement, she let her gaze sweep around the vast room, searching for her brother. It did not take long until she spotted him:
there he was, running zig-zag across the warehouse floor.
The Sailors tried to catch him, but their efforts were in vain; just when they thought they had managed to get ahold of their prey, Leorin slipped out of their grasp. What's more he showed no sign of fatigue either.

"Leorin has gotten loose" Merees observed.

"You can see again!" Risha exclaimed, the sheer joy in her voice was such that it pained Merees to have to disappoint her.

"Unfortunately not" she replied, shaking her head. "Isso's drug did not do anything to my ears though, I can hear everything that's going on. Where is Leorin now?"

During her conversation with Merees, Risha had briefly lost track of her brother. It didn't take long for her to find him again though.

"He's heading for the exit, that means he'll be coming toward us. No!"

Risha's shout was due to the fact that Samuel had just positioned himself in Leorin's path. With a triumphant grin on his lips, the otter stretched out his arms, ready to catch the troublesome kid.

He never got the chance; something slammed into his side hard, causing him to loose his footing and hit the floor. Before he could get up he found himself staring up at the face of a dragon, who was sitting on his chest.

"Get off me, you bitch!" Samuel spat, his face contorted by impotent rage.

"You know" Merees smirked. "I remember you being a lot more polite when we first met."

While Merees held Samuel pinned down, Risha crouched beside him and confiscated the knife he wore in his belt. Standing up, she turned to her brother.

"What are you standing there for?" She asked, her voice sharper than she had meant it to be. "Go!"

Leorin looked as if he was about to say something, than he turned around and vanished into the fog. Cerewan took a step forward, only to find Risha blocking his way.

"Not another step, Captain" Risha warned, her grip tightening around the knife's hilt. "Tell your men to stand down. If you don't, there won't be a vacant position in your crew."
Lifting his head slightly, Samuel looked up at his captain with pleading eyes.

"Cap, please" he begged pathetically, as a dark spot appeared on his groin. Merees wrinkled her nose in disgust, but did not move herself from the otter's chest.

Ignoring his crewman's pleas, Cerewan grit his teeth in frustration. He considered pulling out his gun and simply shooting Samuel, thus depriving Risha and Merees off their only bargaining chip. He knew though, that such an action would have a most adverse effect on his men's loyalty and besides, Samuel had been useful in the past. With rage in his heart, he ordered his crew to stand down.
Risha helped Merees to her feet and she in her turn, pulled Samuel up and forced his arms behind his back.

"You'll get your right-paw back when we are out of the harbor" the lynx-girl said, relief and triumph mingling in her voice. "Now, if you'll excu..."

A blow on the back of her head interrupted Risha mid-sentence. There was an explosion of light and colors. She could hear Merees cry out her name and then, everything was dark.


Two members of the night-watch were marching down the fog-enveloped streets. They had their halberds slung over their shoulders and the taller of the pair was whistling a joyful tune.

"The Streets are quite tonight" his shorter colleague observed. "You'd think that all the riff-raff in this city would take advantage of the weather."

"Maybe they decided to take it easy" said the tall one. "At any rate, I'm glad if we can finish our round without any incident, for once."

"I hear ya...Hey! There's someone there!"

Through the fog, a figure came walking towards  the two guards. Immediately, they lowered their halberds and pointed them at the  approaching form.

"Who goes there?" The Short one cried out.

The Figure took another step forward, stepping out of the fog. The Two guards breathed a sigh of relief: Standing before them, his paws on his knees, was a small black cat.

"What are you doing out at this hour?" The Taller guard asked, pointing his hilebard at the sky.
Leorin looked up at the two men before him.

"Please" he gasped. "My sister and a friend...They are being held captive. A Red warehouse, in the harbor..."

In that moment, the physical and emotional exhaustion that Leorin had managed to ignore, finally took their toll, the two guards barely had time to catch him before his face made contact with the cobblestones.


Slowly, Leorin opened his eyes. To his surprise, he found himself lying in a bed.

How did I end up here? He wondered.

Leorin flung away the covers and put his bare feet down on the floor. Just then, the door opened and Griselda stepped in, carrying a bowl filled with water and some towels. She was followed by none other than Sara.

"Leo, you are awake!" The Porcupine squealed in delight and pounced on Leorin.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, for Sara had accidentally pricked him with one of her quills. "Watch it!"

"Sorry" Sara apologized. "I'm just so happy to see you up, you've been out for two days."

"Two days?!" Leorin could hardly believe his ears.

"It seems that you contracted fever" Griselda said as she put the bowl on the towels down on a chair.
"This one" she continued, indicating Sara, "has been watching over you ever since. With a bit of help from me. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine" Leorin said, still trying to wrap his head around things. Then, another thought came into his head:

"My sister and Merees, what happened to them? They are fine, right? Where are they? Why won't they come in and say hello? Sis! Sis!" He begun calling out, then he stopped as he saw the look on Sara's and Griselda's faces.

"Leorin" Sara said and held his paws in hers. "We are sorry, but..."

She was unable to finish the sentence, so Griselda did it for her:

"The Guards stormed the warehouse" the female pig said, staring down at the floor. "But there was no-one there. Not a soul."

End of Book I