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Monday, May 5, 2014

My Favorite Creators

For my first real post I thought I'd take a page from other  bloggers and make a list of my favorite creators of fiction, whether movies, comics, books, games etc. The list is an alphabetical order and is by no means complete, since I'm bound to forget someone (I may go back and add new names to it, depending on how I feel). Anyway, these are the men and women whose work have inspired and enchanted me over the years. How many of them would be on your list?

Adam Hines
Agatha Christie
Akira Kurosawa
Alan Burnett
Alan Furst
Alan Moore
Alexandre Dumas
Alfred Bester
Alfred Hitchcock
André Franquin
Andreas Martens
Andrew Miller
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Barry Hughart
Bernard Deyriés
Brad Bird
Bruce Timm
Carl Barks
Charles Dickens
Chiaki J. Konaka
China Mieville
Chris Avellone
Clark Ashton Smith
The Coen Brothers
Colleen McCullough
Cormac McCarthy
Dante Alighieri
Dashiell Hammett
Dave Sim
David Lynch
David Milch
David Simon
Dennis Potter
Donna Barr
Dorothy Dunnett
Eddie Campbell
Edward Whittemore
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar P. Jacobs
Eichiro Oda
E.R. Eddison
Fabien Nury
Fabien Vehlmann
Floyd Gottfredson
Fritz Lang
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Gen Urobuchi
Gene Wolfe
Geoffrey Chaucer
George MacDonald Fraser
George R.R. Martin
Georges Simenon
Gianfranco Manfredi
Gosho Aoyama
Goseki Kojima
Graham Greene
Graham Yost
Greg Weisman
Guillermo Del Toro
Guy Davis
Hayao Miyazaki
H.G. Wells
Hector G. Oesterheld
Los Bros Hernandez
Hilary Mantel
Hirohiko Araki
Hugo Pratt
Ingmar Bergman
Jack Pulman
Jack Vance
James Ellroy
Jane Austen
Jason Aaron
Jean Chalopin
Jean Giraud
Jean Van Hamme
Jean-Michel Charlier
Jim M. Thompson
Jim Woodring
John Le Carré
John Milton
J.R.R. Tolkien
Jordan Mechner
Jorge Luis Borges
Katherynne M. Valente
Kazuo Koike
Keiko Nobumoto
Krzysztof Kieslowski
Lauren Faust
Len Deighton
Luc Brunschwig
Makoto Yukimura
Mark Twain
Martin Scorcese
Mary Shelley
Masaaki Yuasa
Matt Kindt
Maurice LeBlanc
Mel Brooks
Mervyn Peake
Michael Chabon
Michael Curtiz
Michael Ende
Michel de Montaigne
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Mike Carey
Mike Mignola
Mitsuru Adachi
Monty Python
Nancy Pena
Naoki Urasawa
Neil Gaiman
Noah Hawley
Orson Welles
Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Dezaki
Paul Feval
P.G. Wodehouse
Philip K. Dick
Pierre Gabus
Ray Bradbury
Raymond Chandler
Raymond Macherot
Robert Graves
Robert Louis Stevenson
Romuald Reutimann
Ross MacDonald
Rumiko Takahashi
Serge Le Tendre
Sergio Leone
Shigeru Miyamoto
Shinichiro Watanabe
Sigrid Undset
Stan Sakai
Stanislaw Lem
Takeshi Shudo
Tim Powers
Tove Jansson
Umberto Eco
Ursula Vernon
Vince Gilligan
Walt Disney
Wilkie Collins
William Faulkner
William Shakespeare
Yoshihiro Togashi
Yoshiki Tanaka


  1. Mauricio de sousa ( monica gangs +400 characters )
    Quino ( mafalda )

  2. Roberto bolanos
    Pepo rios
    Chico Anysio
